Tuesday, October 29, 2013

9 months!

Our pretty little girl baby is 9 months as of last Friday!
I can't believe that in just three short, short months she is going to be a year.
SO crazy!



And if you've ever wondered how easy it is to take pictures of a mobile baby,
it's not.

...and that's when our photo shoot ended.
Miss Ellie...
is officially crawling!
(After a few weeks of rocking and taking a small step or two before falling, she's officially got the hang of it.
She's only REALLY been at it for about a week and I swear, she gets faster by the second!)
babbles and screeches all.day.long.
is basically running (read: walking SO fast) with our hands
still loves the boob more than anything, but is really starting to actually enjoy most foods
has started taking baby classes at Gymboree - LOVES them!
weighs in at 22 pounds and 28 3/4 inches long...
...making her in the 95th percentile for weight and 87th percentile for height
sleeps for about 11-12 hours at night and only wakes up once to nurse
(although this was after a good 3-4 weeks of waking up 5+ times a night)
plays tug-o-war with Lily
laughs when she crawls and especially when she walks
gets incredibly mad when you stop walking her
is obsessed with all things that make crinkly noises and anything that doesn't look like a baby toy

My Sweet Pumpkin,

My, oh my, how you've changed so much in the past month! It's clear that you want to be Little Miss Independent and want things your way. It's still rather cute at this point. Ask me again in 16 years though, I'm sure my thoughts will differ. :) You are fascinated with your new crawling capabilities and get rather excited and proud of yourself with this new found independence. Same goes for walking. It's so adorable! You're still very much a Mama's girl and I am still enjoying every single moment. Your sweet little heart is bursting with unconditional love for your Daddy and me. And our love for you grows by the day. It's amazing how much space you've taken up in not only our hearts and lives, but those around you. You've got some pretty amazing grandparents, as well as auntie and uncles (including the honorary aunties and uncles). We love you so, my precious baby. You continue to amaze me daily and I absolutely adore being your Mommy. Love you to the moon and back my sweet Princess!

Love, Mama


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Look who's on the move!

And we officially have a crawler!!
Ellie will be 9 months tomorrow and I think we can officially say she's on the move!
She's been rocking and getting up on all fours for weeks.
She started taking small steps for the past week or so.
And tonight...

Yours Truly,
The Proudest Mama There Ever Was
Now if that doesn't deserve a vote, I don't know what does! :)


Monday, October 21, 2013

A little reminder...

I needed this reminder today.
Going back to work after being home with my sweet, sweet girl for a whole week was not fun.
I wish I could say it was easy or that I had a fabulous day, but it was tough.
Luckily, I do have this adorable little reminder to BE HAPPY.
I get to come home to this precious girl every day. How could you not be happy?!
And let's be honest... in Ellie's case, how could you not be happy with a double chin
and grin as adorable as hers?!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Break

This was the 6th fall break I've had to look forward to, yet I was far more excited for this one than any other fall break I've ever had. I got to spend it will my favorite little girl!

I unfortunately failed to take pictures of many of the things we did, but here's a little recap!
I started the break out in classic Brittany style, celebrating with my friends at Oktoberfest.

Ellie and I went with two of her favorite aunties to the Farmer's Market (we may or may not be becoming Farmer's Market Junkies), out to lunch, and shopping!
The weather outside has been ridiculously beautiful, so we spent a lot of
time at the park by our house.


We went shopping and out to lunch... more than once. We met Daddy for lunch a couple of times. Ellie and her sweet friend Peyton got to have their very first playdate!
We went to a couple different story times at the library.

We signed up for Gymboree play and music classes and we are SO excited!
Deciding to hire a nanny to take care of Ellie was one of the best parenting decisions we've made. We feel so fortunate to have found someone that cares so much for our girl and Ellie absolutely adores her! However, because of this Ellie doesn't get the interaction most kids get in a day care type setting. Hence, operation play date, story time, and baby classes has begun!
We went to the Sea Life Aquarium and little Miss Observant loved every second!



We went to Ellie's first pumpkin patch, Schnepf Farms.

We worked on crawling and she is OH so close! I was really hoping it would happen while I was home this week because my biggest fear is that it will happen while I'm at work. :(
We met up with one of my long-time girlfriends who is expecting her own little spring 2014!
I had an hour AND a half massage. It was uh-mazing!
I was able to go out with some girlfriends for lunch and a movie to celebrate a birthday
for one of my best friends!

We got our Halloween costumes! Stay tunes for some fab-ulous pictures!
JP took a couple days off of work, so it was really nice to such a great amount of uninterrupted quality time with our little family. I treasure these moments!
I seriously had the best, best time. Now, I've gotta get it together because I have to go back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck --- I need it!