I don't know if any other person or profession understands the excitement of a Friday afternoon more than a teacher, specifically, one that is pregnant. This Friday afternoon hasn't let me down.
Not only did I have a wonderful day to begin with, but it just keeps getting better!
My school is trying to win an NFL scholarship in which we earn money for things like a playground. We've been doing all sorts of fun things, including an assembly, jersey day, and a door decorating contest. Each teacher was assigned an NFL team and we were asked to decorate our door with our class.
Now, those of you that know me....know that I am NOT a fan of football. I love the social aspect of tailgating, going to the games, and Superbowl parties, but that's where my love ends (much to my husband's dismay).
Anyhow, we were assigned the New York Giants. I honestly didn't know a thing about them other than their NY symbol. I asked the number 1 NFL fan for some advice. . . My Husband. He told me they won the Superbowl last year - who knew?! From there we came up with a champion theme of some sort and I knew I wanted to use lots of glitter. The rest of the ideas and all the work was done by my kiddos, other than the NY part (I will admit, I did that part myself).
So...WE WON!
The kids were screaming and cheering when they made the announcement. There were so many creative and doors well done, I truly wasn't expecting us to win. However, my kiddos collaborated and worked so well together on thinking of ideas and taking charge of each aspect of the door, so they totally deserved it.
Super proud - even if I'm not a fan of the NFL.
Then, not 5 minutes later, in came this beautiful delivery!
Back up real quick....
So this delivery came in a long box (first time). It didn't say who it was from on the outside. I was beyond confused. Back in the day JP use to send or bring home flowers at least once a month. I'll admit it, I was spoiled! He still brings home flowers and sends them to work, but only occasionally. However, he usually only sends them to work if it's a special day or he's in trouble.
So, in walks the lady with the flowers.
In a box.
No name on the outside.
Overnight delivery.
It's not my birthday.
Today isn't a major holiday.
It's not the first day of school.
There is nothing special about today in particular.
I'm not mad at my husband.
"Oh my gosh. How am I going to explain this to JP?! Who in the world sent me flowers?!"
I kid you not, these were the exact thoughts that went through my head.
I open the box..and they ARE from my sweet husband.
My next thought, "Uh oh, what did he do? What am I in for tonight?"
Just kidding (kind of).
So, that was my afternoon. It was fabulous and I'm feeling so blessed right now.
I love my husband.
I adore my class.
My sweet Baby Girl is a kicking machine and I love every second
(even when it's 11 pm and I'm trying to sleep).
I made it out of work by 4:00 on a Friday.
My house is clean.
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow.
I have a date planned tonight with my sexy man.
Happy Friday, Lovelies. Make this weekend a good one!