Dairy sensitivity, what?!
I think my poor girl might have a dairy sensitivity. While I despise milk, I've always loved everything dairy - CHEESE! ice cream, yogurt, every dessert imaginable. I ate all of the above and then some while pregnant. They say if you avoid this stuff while pregnant your baby may develop an intolerance. Well, experts, this mama baby craved all of the above and had no limitations while pregnant.
So, what led me to this conclusion? About two weeks ago Ellie developed a light rash and started having green stools. We went to our monthly checkup just a day or two after both started. Our fabulous pediatrician whom I LOVE said the rash was likely due to sweat. This made sense, she does get sweaty pretty easily - clearly not a trait she gained from mama! ;) She said the green stool was likely due to my breast milk going through her body too quickly. She told me to not worry about either. Well, now she still has both symptoms two weeks later.
Then, this entire past week my happy Ellie has been taken over by fussy Ellie. She sleeps, wakes and is happy, eats, is awake and happy, gets SUPER fussy and cries a lot until I can get her to fall back asleep. Sometimes it takes an hour to get her back to sleep. It breaks my heart!! I'd be lying if I said it hasn't caused me to cry several times. I just hate seeing my sweet girl in what appears to be some sort of pain or unhappiness.
Anyhow, I can't take it any longer. A lot of these symptoms can be due to a dairy sensitivity. Instead of giving ALL dairy up right away (did you know just about everything has at least a little bit of dairy in it - check your food labels!), I'm going to start with the basics: milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter. It's going to be tough, but breastfeeding is far too important for me to switch to formula. So, if I have to give these up in order to breastfeed my baby, I'll sadly gladly oblige.
So, here's to a new diet!
Without this...
or this...
or this...
or this..
but at least I can still have this...
You may want to stay far away from me for a week. I may or may not be a grumpy mama!
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