My sweet, precious, and adorable little girl is TWO MONTHS old new today!
Our pediatrician is out of town so we don't have her 2 month check up for another two weeks, but according to my scale at home, Ellie is a whopping 11 pounds. Length and head circumference updates will have to wait until our appointment.
I feel like with each passing day Ellie's little personality develops more and more. I love soaking in every moment with her and I try really hard to take advantage of her awake moments - playing, talking, singing, dancing, going for walks, reading books, baby massages, tummy time, and the list goes on. The older she gets the more awake time she has, so we're working hard to get those developmental and physical milestones in check.
In the past month Ellie....
graduated from using baby mittens (aka she no longer uses her tiger claws to attack her face) yay!
outgrew (90% of) her newborn clothes
smiles all. the. time.
no longer has baby acne or a heat rash
talks back to us with her adorable little oohs and aahs
loves laying on the changing table
is very curious and loves to look around
sleeps for at least 6 or 7 hours during her first stretch at night, followed by a 3ish hour stretch
shortened the length of her naps throughout the day
LOVES being outside
prefers to sit up on our laps without leaning against our bodies (we use our hands to support her)
giggles in her sleep
has great head control, although she still has her little bobble head moments
has an intolerance for dairy (mama is now on a dairy free diet)
turns her head when she hears mine and JP's voices
still loves the morning time more than any other time of day
is a super mama's girl
has started blowing bubbles, drooling, and sucking on her hands..
..which leads me to believe she has started the beginning stages of teething
Dear Time,
Please slow down...
Sincerely, a Mama that's not ready for her baby girl to grow up
Here are
some many pictures from the past month:
(please excuse the phone quality, or lack thereof, for some of the photos)
Cutest baby lips - ever!
Learning to use her pointer finger. :)
To say that this girl loves her bath time would be an understatement!
dreaming about mommy :)
Melt my heart, this sweet girl is so beautiful!
She loves morning cuddles with daddy.
Lily loves tummy time too. Ellie was already spent.
gorgeous weather = naptime outside
Relaxing with daddy after an exhausting day!
She has a thing with checking herself out in the mirror on her swing. So cute!
Monkey faces - one of her favs!
Happy St. Patricks' Day!
Cutest baby tush!
Meeting Auntie Shelby for the first time!
To Our Sweet Elliebean,
You are the
sweetest and best thing that has ever happened to us. I can honestly say that love has truly been redefined. There is no love like a mother's love. I'd heard this before and
now I get it. I also once heard that when deciding to have a baby, you're allowing your heart to forever go walking outside your body. It's
so true. You have my heart. You have
daddy's heart. Your little personality is coming to life each and every day; it's truly the most amazing thing to watch and be a part of. We love you more than I could possibly put into words and I'm SO incredibly thankful that God has chosen
us to be your parents. You're the light of our lives and while I want this time to creep on by
as slowly as possible, I can't wait to see what new developments and milestones you make in the coming weeks. We love you, bean.
Love, Mama (and Daddy)
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