Hi, loves.
I swear, I'm still here. We're all alive and well. We're just in the middle of a laptop disaster and sending it out to be repaired tomorrow actually. Hence, the lack of posting and me being (two weeks)late for Ellie's 10 month update. The thing is - the blog post is written - the pictures have been taken.
I just can't upload them with the current said disaster.
Not to mention, this itty bitty baby body is NON-freaking-stop.
She is always on the go, on the go, on the go.
Energizer Bunny.
No joke.
Therefore, the free time I have to blog is very limited.
So, it will have to wait.
In the meantime, I spent some time recently going back through photos over the past 10 months and cue the tears, but I can't believe this itty bitty baby is almost a year old. While I love the little girl she's becoming, it breaks my heart how quickly this past year has gone by.
She was SO tiny.
Where'd my baby go, y'all?
There are literally thousands of pictures, but these happen to be two of my favorites.
Valentine's Day, just a few weeks old and one of her newborn pictures just 9 days new.
Much love.
(take a second and please vote for us on Top Baby Blogs - just click the brown box in the right corner)