We had Ellie's one year shoot scheduled just after her birthday. We unfortunately had to reschedule the first shoot because she was sick. Then, she was a teething hot mess during her second shoot, so we had to delay it yet again.
These were the only two shots they were able to capture before meltdown.central. took over.
However, the third shoot just a few weeks after her birthday (although not a walk in the park with an overly tired stage 5 baby), was successful with the wonderful KSL team!
The smiles were few and far between, but I love how they turned out!
That lip. Gets me every time.
Every child needs a crying picture, right? RIGHT?
And then she realized that it was sugar.
Definitely our kid.
This girl.
I still can't believe she's over a year and just a few days shy of FOURTEEN months!
I love her so.
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