Monday will be the start of a big week for me.
It's the last week of the 2013-2014 school year.
This year has hands down been the most difficult year of teaching I've ever had. Not only was it incredibly difficult to leave Ellie (though she was in great hands with our Nanny!), but I had a really difficult class. Don't get me wrong, I loved them; but I certainly had my hands FULL.
Very, very, very, very full.
So, to say that I've been looking forward to end of the school year just might be an understatement. In fact, I may or may not have started counting down the days in October.
This is where the bittersweet feeling comes in.
We've decided that I will take on a new role, the best role, as a stay at home mom (SAHM).
I'm beyond excited about this new journey, but I'll also miss this piece of my life. It's all I've known for six years (10 if you count college and all of my internships)!
I will really miss working with the kids. I'll miss my team and coworkers. I honestly LOVE where I teach, so it's hard walking away from a position and school that I've grown to love (this is a big deal for those of you that know about my previous school).
I know I'll miss teaching.
But to be honest, I really need a break too.
I want to take this time while Ellie is young to focus on raising a family and being the best Mama I can be and unfortunately, while teaching, I struggled at times. Being a Mom of young children and a teacher at the same time is so incredibly challenging. So, we've decided it's officially time.
I am taking a break from my teaching career and focusing on family.
So, here's to big changes for our little family!
And the blog!
One of my many goals is to bring my blog back to life.
Including the millions of pictures that I always take, but hardly ever share. :)
And just because: the look of a girl that's excited to have her Mama home all the time.