As of February 18, our lil peanut is already two months old! Technically, she's about 2.5 months now since I'm so late in getting her update posted.
I love seeing all these new changes and watching her grow, but time seriously needs to lay off my baby. I'm not ready for her to turn two, like tomorrow.
| growth |
Her 2 month appointment isn't for another week, but according to our scale she weighs about 12 pounds (69th percentile) and is about 23.5 inches long (89th percentile).
She's wearing mostly 3 month clothes and we just moved up to size 2 diapers.
| eating |
She's still nursing every 3ish hours or so around the clock, though her first stretch at night is occasionally 4 or (if I'm lucky) 5 hours long.
| sleeping |
She continues to sleep in the RnP right next to our bed, but I still tend to bring her in our bed halfway though the night. I LOVE the convenience, but I really need to work on breaking this habit before she gets too comfortable and refuses to sleep in her crib in a couple months.
| personality |
She continues to be a super happy, smiley baby!
| new developments |
Though I didn't think it was possible, she's smiling even more these days. She gets super excited when I walk into her view and start talking to her--smiling from ear to ear and her legs go crazy with excitement. As of lately she wans to stand (assisted) She has great head control and she's so incredibly alert all the time. She loves cooing and talking to us (read: listening to her own voice - she get it from her mama?) She just laughed for the first time a couple days ago and my heart nearly exploded! We feel like she's a bit ahead of the curve for her age.
| likes |
Mama!!! Cuddling, sleeping in our bed, the Mamaroo, being worn in the K'tan, walks, talking to us, baths, and standing!
| dislikes |
She doesn't like being cold, hungry, or her reflux medicine. She has some tummy problems (aside from the reflux) that causes her some gassy pain from time to time..and she is NOT a fan, nor are we!
--pictures from this past month--
Happy TWO month birthday my little Peanut Pie. We love you!