Monday, July 16, 2012

The Game of Life

I love my husband. 

While he may drive me crazy at times, I fall head over heels in love with him all over again every. single. day. He's sweet, kind, compassionate, calm, and patient. He's incredibly intelligent and kindhearted. He's the most personable, easy-going, and friendliest person I've ever met. Many of these qualities I lack, or at least to an extent, so he makes up for what I'm missing. He compliments me, which I am so incredibly thankful for.

The best part about him? He loves me.

Anyway, enough of the gushy mushy love stuff. It was recently brought to my attention that he's in 
his very own life size version of the Game of Life. Remember that one? The one where you decide how many children you'll have by the turn of a spinner and your career by the flip of a card. Yeah, that one.

JP's on the fast track on this round of Life.
He got married.
He turned 30.
He bought a new car.
He's found out he's having a baby.
He's buying a new home.
He's renting out our current home.
He's making big changes at work.

All in the same year. He sure lucked out on this game, if I do say so myself. :)

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to say that he bagged himself a hott wifey! ;)

    P.s. I own the electronic version of Life and Chris and I still play it occasionally :) What can I say, I still have a little kid in me! hehe
