Saturday, January 5, 2013

Top-Ten Comments

Before I begin, I must admit, I've honestly LOVED being pregnant.
I'm not one of those women that had a perfect pregnancy. However, I think that overall, I've had a fairly easy pregnancy and I'm so grateful for that. I feel like I'm due for a terrible, long, and painful delivery or something to make up for the fairly uneventful and enjoyable pregnancy I've had.
the comments
are officially driving me
For the longest time I loved all the attention my cute little belly would get. But let's be honest, shall we? It's not really cute anymore when you're 9 months pregnant. While I've enjoyed the comments just about the whole time, may of them have gotten a bit really old, for lack of a better word.
Here are the top-ten pregnancy comments. Ranging from the least annoying and most welcomed, to the most annoying and not-so-welcomed.
Keep in mind, at one point, I loved most of them. Again, there's only so many times you can hear these same phrases over and over again. They're not ALL annoying, but I'm definitely tired of hearing some more than the others.
Let's begin, shall we?
10. Aww, look at your cute little bump!
This is probably the only phrase that I still welcome. :)
Although let's be honest, I know most of you are lying at this point.
9. Are you excited?
Nope. Not at all. I just happen to be spending $100 on adorable little baby
clothes because I'm not excited.
8. Is this your first?
I don't understand why people care to know about this? It doesn't really bother me,
it just seems like a random question. Especially when it comes from a complete stranger.

7. When are you due?
January 20th.
Not a big deal, I'm just sick of answering it. Unless it's followed by, "Wow, you still have that much time left!? or You look like you're about to pop!" Are you implying that I'm fat? I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about asking in response, "When are YOU due?"

6. Is your nursery ready?
Well, yes, it is. However, I'm wondering why the cashier at Target needs to know the
answer to this question.

5. What are you naming your baby?
Eliana Grace. We'll call her Ellie.
"Ohhh, that's so beautiful!"
Yes, we know. That's why we selected it.

4. Do you know what you're having?
Yes, we're having a girl. This is often followed by, "Are you sure?! It looks like a boy!"
Well, stranger, I guess I better tell my OB all of his ultrasounds were wrong, even though he's trained in this area of expertise. Clearly, a stranger knows much more about my baby than technology or a trained professional.
3. Oh, you poor thing. You look so tired!
Yes, I am quite tired. Sleep is no longer existent.
However, thank you for telling me I look like crap.
2. Did you eat a basketball?
Or watermelon. I've heard both.
Yes, that's exactly what I did. I'm trying to make it into the Guinness Book of
World Records for most fascinating birth.
1. Are you sure you're not having twins?
Ummm no. But thank you for telling me I look like a whale.

I can't wait for this little babe to get here. Then, I'll welcome all the adorable most beautiful baby comments your heart can handle. Those will never get old. :)


1 comment:

  1. The best one I can share is. " can you believe you're gonna have a baby soon?!" I always felt like saying " that how this ends?!" ;-) I also felt like wearing a name tag with my due date and other various pregnancy stats.
