Sunday, November 23, 2014

37 weeks | Baby 2.0

What's new?
Miss Emerson is still not full term.
Did ya know.. babies are no longer considered full term until 39 weeks?
Yeah.. me either.
Instead, she'll spend the next couple weeks allowing her brain and lungs to fully mature.
She likely has a full head of hair. 
She should weigh about 6 1/3 pounds and continues to gain about a .5 ounce each day.
She's still SUPER active and enjoys kicking (or punching?) me in the ribs all day long!
How far along? 37 weeks
Baby's size? winter melon -- over 19 inches in length
Total weight gain: still 30 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep! Just about all of my outfits these days are maternity.

Sleep: I'm back to waking up way too often. I've accepted it. Basically, I won't sleep through the night again for at least another year.

Best moments this past week: This weekend has been amazing! My mom took Ellie for the weekend and though we've missed her terribly, it was nice to have a free weekend that allowed us to finish preparing for baby girl, get a couple last date nights in, and to just soak up some quality alone time before our world gets crazy with two under two!
Miss Anything? Sushi and wine, still...

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope

Labor Signs: I'm beginning to get more and more BH contractions. My OB insists she's head down (I'm still not convinced) and he'll begin checking for progress at my appointment this week.
Gender: girl

Symptoms: Nothing new, but I'm officially more uncomfortable than comfortable these days. It's basically hard to do everything and I'm having a difficult time catching my breath even when I'm doing absolutely nothing. Juuuust in case this is my last pregnancy, I'm trying not too complain too much and enjoy these final weeks with my baby in utero.
Belly Button in or out? out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy! :)

Looking forward to: Picking up my sweet baby girl that I've missed SO much the past 48 hours. And let's be honest... I'm already salivating over all the delicious food we'll be eating for Thanksgiving!
37 weeks

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