9 months!!
I can't believe our itty (not so) bitty peanut is already over 3/4 a year old. I've started researching ideas for her first birthday and I'm having flashbacks to planning Ellie's first birthday. I can't believe were yet again...already! Time is flying, folks!
| growth |
We had Emerson's 9 month appointment this morning and she weighs about 20 pounds. She's wearing 9 and 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
| eating |
She still loves the boob, but she has become THE MOST distracted baby EVER. She'll nurse for maybe 30 seconds, but then she has to stop, look around, and see what's going on. Cant's miss the party, people!
She also want to stand, lay upside down, and basically put herself into every awkward position possible while nursing, other than laying down like a normal baby. So, it's become somewhat of a tedious process. She's eating more and more people food rather than baby food with lunch and dinner. Her favorite tend to be sweet potatoes, bananas (or any fruit really), cheerios, and yogurt. She's also eating a lot of people food at school.
| sleeping |
I *think* (please, please sweet baby Jesus!) we've turned a corner. On our way home from California last week she cried (screamed) for an hour straight before falling asleep for the rest of the drive. It was like 8pm and we were already scheduled to arrive home around midnight, so there was no way we were stopping and delaying our drive any further. She's been a new baby ever since. I can lay her down awake, she fusses for a couple minutes before falling asleep. She sleeps in at least 3-4 hour stretches and I'm getting up to nurse usually twice a night. It's been AMAZING. She's also sleeping in her own bed throughout the whole night -- another milestone I never thought we'd reach. She's going down without a fight for naps and is napping for at least an hour each time.
I seriously feel like a new woman!
| personality |
You guys, this baby is SO funny. She's constantly smiling, laughing, and making crazy sounds. She's so independent and can entertain herself forever. But she also loves playing with everything and anyone. She continues to be the happiest, most bubbly little baby I know. We constantly get comments from strangers-- "Is she always that happy?" or "Wow, she's so smiley!" or "Does she ever stop smiling?" She's such a little flirt!
| new developments |
Since learning to crawl, this baby is ALL OVER and into EVERYTHING. She is constantly finding new things to destroy, pulling herself up onto everything, climbing over things, and has started cruising along furniture a bit. She can stand for maybe 5 seconds on her own without holding onto anything, but then carefully sets herself down. Her first tooth {finally} popped through. She waves to say hello and she's trying SO hard to clap. It's adorable!
| likes |
Food continues to be this girl's one true love. She likes trying to feed herself with silverware, taking things from Ellie, crawling all over the dogs and playing with their ears, the beach, SAND!!, and jumping. And she's still obsessed with hair.
| dislikes |
When I leave the room -- she's entered the mama separation anxiety phase. :(