Oh, how this babe is developing quite the personality! We love the perfect little addition she's been to our family and she certainly keeps us on our toes!
| growth |
Em weighs about 21 pounds. Looks like she's taking after big sis who was 25 pounds at a year! Ahh! She's wearing 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. We're in size 2 shoes, but I think we're nearing size 3 pretty quick.
| eating |
I'm still nursing, which she prefers above all else. She's eating a ton though. She pretty much eats what we eat within reason. Her favorites are all the fruits.
| sleeping |
It looks like that one long drive back from Cali turned on the switch she needed. She's up once, sometimes twice a night now. I'll take it. It's SO much better than the 5-10 times she was doing! Naps are still hit or miss, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half.
| personality |
Miss Em is still super happy and giddy all the time. She loves singing and bouncing ("dancing") and just constantly wants to be on the move. She has SO MUCH ENERGY. I swear, she crawls a mile a minute. I'm beginning to wonder if she'll ever walk because she's such a speedy crawler!
| new developments |
She's starting to walk along everything she can. She'll let go and take a step from one thing to another, but has yet to gain the courage to take a couple. She has 3 teeth. She's getting really good and letting us know when she wants something or is upset. How you might ask? By pinching, pulling, and hitting. It's lovely.
| likes |
The wagon--she loves going on walks outside in the wagon. She loves animals, though we're still learning how to be gentle. Also on her list of favorites: baths, food, her sister, and playing in cabinets.
| dislikes |
With the whole attachment issue as of late, she's not too fond of being dropped off at school two days a week. :(

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