Sunday, November 4, 2012

29 weeks

Baby Girl is 29 weeks and weighs over 2.5 pounds. She's at least 15 inches in length. Get the measuring tape out and take a look at just how long 15 inches is. It's SO long. While I know I have a baby currently hijacking my womb, it's still very abstract when I think about a REAL baby that's 15 inches and 2.5 pounds squirming around in there. I can't explain it, but I still find it bizarre.
Her muscles and lungs continue to develop. Her head continues to grow as well, making room for her precious (genius) little brain. Let's hope it's not as big as I'm envisioning though. Perhaps you may have noticed and if not, let me tell you - both mine and JP's heads are rather large. Put two and two together. Yeah!!  I honestly hurt just thinking about it.
So, let's hope Eliana's head isn't getting TOO big in there.
With the rapid weight gain and need for nutrition, it's essential that I get enough vitamins, particularly folic acid, calcium, protein, and iron. My biggest struggle has been calcium since I've always hated milk. However, I've since found a solution - Almond Silk Milk (vanilla). It is seriously delicious and I can drink it straight from the glass (surprised, Mom?!). This is HUGE news friends. I don't think I've ever enjoyed drinking milk and have actually avoided it at all costs other than when I eat cereal. Now, if only I can find a cure for the lack of protein.

How far along? 29 weeks
Baby's size? butternut squash
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Sleep: Overall, it's still just okay throughout the night. I've started waking up around 5:00-5:30 every. single. morning. I knew this point would come - the one in which my body begins preparing for sleepless nights when baby girl is here, but already!? It's a bit too soon for my liking.
Best moment(s) this past week:  On Friday afternoon we had an after school meeting (not your typical meeting) where we stuffed our faces, broke a pinata, played games, and just relaxed. It was a great way to end the week - am I the only teacher that feels like 4-day work weeks seem longer than the typical 5 day?  
Miss Anything? My best friends - and seeing them on a regular basis.
Movement: All the time. :) Friday night Eliana put on quite the show for JP. He feels her move all the time. However, on this particular occasion she was going crazy for a good 15 minutes and he was able to enjoy every second. He's so fascinated by her and I love watching him get so excited. He loves this little girl SO much. Melt my heart!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Food wise, nothing new. Although I haven't been feeling so great the last few days and I think it's finally caught up with me. I feel awful.
Cravings: Sweets! I've eaten way too much candy/dessert this past week. I don't know that I'm craving it more than usual or just that it's around more than usual. Either way, the scale is proof that I exceeded my limit. The fair food (don't judge me!) on Saturday didn't help this situation either.
Labor Signs: nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: The leg cramps are becoming more frequent. I try to stay hydrated to stop them from happening, but it's not really working. I've also had this leg issue a handful of times, with the first one being when we were on our babymoon. I never attributed it to the pregnancy, however, I've since learned that it's totally pregnancy related. I think I have something called Restless Leg Syndrome. It can sometimes occur during pregnancy and it typically goes away after birth. It's hard to explain, but basically I have an uncontrollable urge to stretch, flex, and relieve the tension and tingling feeling in my legs. It's not painful and it's really more annoying than anything because it happens when I'm resting and/or trying to go to sleep.
Belly Button in or out? I think it's still in, but the inside part is popping more and more these days. JP thinks Ellie is going to kick my belly one day and it's just going to pop right out. lol
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I wish I could say that I was 100% happy like usual, but the reality is, I'm not. I'm so overwhelmed and stressed beyond belief, which I'm sure my hormones are playing a large part of. We don't have a house. There aren't any we can agree on. We don't have a nursery prepared for all of Eliana's things. I truly do wish I was one of those people that could just "let things go," but the reality is, I'm not. I'd also love to be someone that handles stress well, but my complete type-A planner personality doesn't mesh well with this idea. Stress and anxiety can cause labor. For our daughter's health and safety, we really need her to stay put for at least 8 more weeks.  Although, let's be honest, I'm really hoping she goes past her due date. She needs to finish baking, friends! So, please, please pray for Eliana and that all of the things overwhelming me aren't affecting her health and well-being.

On another note, my heart is also very heavy this week. I heard a couple different pieces of awful news this week. In each situation, a friend of mine is in pain. So, while it reminds me to not take my blessings for granted and to be thankful, I ache when thinking about others' pain and sadness.  I pray that each friend and their families find the strength needed to heal during these difficult times.

Looking forward to: I am excited for my shower, but it's still 4 weeks away. Although, this in itself stresses me out because I have no idea what we're going to do with all the gifts. Looking at the picture below reminds me of how excited I am to get my hair done on Saturday!!!!!!!

29 weeks: Mama
Excuse the lack of creativity and extreme hot mess look - I'm not feeling well.
29 weeks: Ellie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany! I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you feel a little better soon :) (Soon like in the next week, not when baby girl gets here!!) I'm so glad things are going well - - hopefully you can relax over Thanksgiving. Miss you!
