Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!

Every year I feel like a lucky girl.
Every year I feel super blessed.
Every year I feel like it's better than the last.
Every year I'm so thankful and count my many, many blessings.
Every year I think, "Things couldn't possible get better."
But you know what, friends?
They do.
I am SO, SO happy.
Yeah, things may get stressful at times. I panic and let my anxiety get the best of me. I worry things won't work out, but do you know what? They always do. So, this year, I truly am more thankful than I ever have been. I can't imagine things getting better, but you know what?
They always do.
I'm thankful for so many things this season.
my sweet, kind, handsome, charming, funny, and loving husband.
my amazing mama.
beautiful friends.
a supportive family.
wonderful in-laws.
the most playful and spunky baby puppies.
(please note: they're not puppies anymore. I call all dogs puppies.)
a job that I'm passionate about and love.
a nice home (even though I can't wait to be in our new one!)
a country that I love.
our troops.
yummy food.
for being pregnant on Thanksgiving.
and last, but certainly not least..
a healthy and beautiful baby girl that will be gracing us with her presence in a month and some change.
(go ahead and let that one sink in for a minute...ONE month and some change. Yep.)
While I can't believe this is our last Thanksgiving as a family of two and I'm so grateful for all the wonderful holidays JP and I have spent together, I cannot wait for next year.
Because guess what?
It's going to be EVEN better!
and just in case you want a mental image of what may or may not happen to my belly button
by the time today is over..
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

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