Friday, July 26, 2013

Thoughts on Breastfeeding

I've officially been breastfeeding for over 6 months.
Ellie has been exclusively breastfed up until this point, meaning she hasn't
been eating the typical baby food - until this week.

We've just now decided to embark on the baby led weaning journey in which she's eating real, nutritious food rather than the processed baby purees or baby oatmeal/cereal. While I'm really excited to begin introducing food to her, at the same time it's a very bittersweet feeling.
I absolutely LOVE nursing Ellie. I have been so fortunate to have stayed home for the past 6 months and been able to easily continue this journey. Although it wasn't all rainbows if you remember, here. Regardless, it's been an amazing journey and I hate thinking that it's coming to an end at some point.
My first goal was 6 months and now that I've reached it, my next goal is 12 months. Fortunately, I have a ridiculous amount of frozen breastmilk taking over stashed in my freezer. However, in order to make it to the year, I'll need to continue pumping at work. In the perfect world I'd be able to make it to the year and even if we wean her from the boob, I'd still have frozen milk that she can continue to have beyond the year. Or maybe we'll just cut it down to bedtime nursing sessions at that point. I really don't know at this point. I guess we'll just see...
So, back to the year. For me personally, I can't really imagine nursing her after a year. But at the exact same time the thought of no longer nursing her makes me sad. I love the bonding time. I love the little quirks she's developed over time while nursing - first playing with her hair, then rubbing my skin, now playing with my hair. I love all of it!
I'd heard of mom's having a tough time stopping and I never really understood it until now. I haven't even reached the stopping point, but I have a feeling it will be tough. It means my baby is growing up. Our private bonding time is over. That breaks my heart.
I guess we'll see what happens when that year mark approaches, but I just can't help but think about these things now given the fact I'm back at work and my sweet little tiny 7.5 pound newborn is growing FAR too quickly. I wish I could slow down time.



  1. Big well done for reaching 6 months! I think you've got such a great attitude to it as there's no way of knowing how things will pan out.

    I would love to see you at this week's Friday Baby Shower - Alice @ Mums Make Lists
