Friday, January 3, 2014

11 months!

I can't believe we're here. The final month before my sweet Bean turns ONE YEAR.
She turned 11 months on Christmas Day!

I *may* have gone overboard with her pictures this time around.
You may or may not notice that I have to get more and more creative to get her attention.

A little grass never hurt anyone, right? Right?

Miss Ellie....

can take about 10 steps on her own!
eats an insane amount of food
still weighs about 23 pounds
still loves the Mama milk
although we're slowly beginning to transition to organic cow's milk (sad day for Mama)
had her first Christmas and loved it!
is about to get her 5th and 6th toofers any.freaking.second
(please, Tooth Fairy, PLEASE!)
is all over and into everything she can get her little hands on
uses her pointer finger to point at everything
loves stepping on things
laughs at everything, especially herself
has Mommy anxiety
pushes things off of the couch, chairs, etc. just so she can step on them
has enough hair for a pony tail and little piggies
if only I could get a better grasp at using micromini hairties 
I swear these come with a learning curve
 is making all sorts of consonant sounds and babbling like crazy
although she has yet to put any sounds together to form a legit word

My Baby Girl,

It's hard to believe you're almost not a baby anymore! You're just about to enter toddler-hood and Mommy is not ready. I'm pretty sure I'll be calling you my Baby Girl for the next 27 years, so please get use to it. Over the past month it seems like you're leaving your itty bitty babyhood behind and it makes me so sad, yet I love the hilarious, adventurous, and oh so sweet little babe you've become. Each and everyday is new and fun. My smile grows and my heart overflows on the daily. 
We sure are lucky to call you ours.

I'll like you forever. I'll love you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.
Just remember that, sweetheart.

Love, Mama

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