Sunday, January 26, 2014


You guys.

My itty bitty baby isn't so itty bitty anymore. 
She's ONE YEAR old!! 

I've been dreading this post for the past 365 days.
I can't believe it's really here. 
It's been an entire year since the best day of my life.

I thought taking pictures of a baby that was always on the move was tough.
Try taking pictures of a baby that wants to run walk everywhere!
It's seriously impossible.

No trick, no bribe, no obnoxious noises (read: all my previous tricks) would work.
Not even food. 
who took my kid? where'd she go?!
Seriously, she is always on the go, which can be made very clear with these photos.

My Princess Babe..

is walking (running) everywhere!
is beyond obsessed with being outside
loves the sound of rocks beneath her feet
is doing really well with the transition to cow's milk, but still loves nursing at night
this transition still makes me sad, but unfortunately my body had other plans!
loves her rocking horse
dances to music
says dada, nana, pupu (puppy?), nie-nie (night night?)
can sign 'all done'
no longer crawls up the stairs - she tries to walk up them!
still weighs about 23 pounds
has four teeth
loves loves loves Lily
waves goodbye to Mickey when she hears the hot dog song
(meaning MMCH is over)
likes to empty things out, then put everything back
always wants to share her food
food favorites: hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pears, toast, waffles, sweet potato, chicken
picks up her feet when we say socks or shoes
can reach the door in .025 seconds from anywhere in the house if she hears it open
loves playing peek-a-boo
smacks her lips - SO funny!
has started pulling big bows off her head (read: sad Mamabear)

So, this is what happens when you take her out of the rocks...

then two seconds later she's RUNNING back to the rocks

 "can't catch me now, Mama!"

My attempt at taking her further away from the rocks...

FAILED. Because now she's headed for the fountain!

Clearly outside wasn't working, so in we went.
Happy Baby, no? 

 I think she may have wanted back outside.

And we finally had a winner! LOVE her.

My Sweet Elliebean,

I can't believe it! You're officially one year young. It's hard to believe that it's been just one short year since we were meeting you for the first time, but looking back, life without you is such a distant memory. You're transitioning from baby to toddler by the minute, right before my very eyes. While it's a beautiful sight to see, it breaks my heart. You bring a smile to our faces, happiness to our lives, and a full heart that's bursting at the seams. My love for you is truly indescribable. You've become the most fun, sweetest, hilarious, goofy little baby and while my hands are now fuller than they've ever been, so is my heart. I hate to see these years go by, but I'm so excited to be here with you - learning, growing, and loving right beside you. Daddy and I are so blessed to call you our little miracle and we're so excited for what's to come! 

I love you, my beautiful baby girl.

Love, Mama

First birthday party pics coming soon! :)



  1. Super cute, all the small things you noted are beyond adorable!

  2. The last picture says it all. Happy birthday sweet one!
