Today is THE DAY. The day we find out if this little one is a BOY or GIRL. I'll edit this post later with the corresponding chalk board picture. :)
Baby is about 5-5.5 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Baby's genitals should be quite obvious later this afternoon, as long as we don't have a modest little one hiding in there. Baby is getting ready to go through a growth spurt, meaning my belly will also expand rather quickly in the next few weeks. She's also kicking and squirming away. I'm still hoping to consistently feel these little jabs soon!

Baby is about 5-5.5 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Baby's genitals should be quite obvious later this afternoon, as long as we don't have a modest little one hiding in there. Baby is getting ready to go through a growth spurt, meaning my belly will also expand rather quickly in the next few weeks. She's also kicking and squirming away. I'm still hoping to consistently feel these little jabs soon!
How far along? 18 weeks
Baby's size? sweet potato
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? I find myself wearing them more and more, but my regular wardrobe outfits definitely still outnumber the maternity outfits.
Sleep: It's still going pretty well.
Best moment this past week: The weekend in general. I had a wonderful date night with JP on Friday. I got to spend Saturday morning/afternoon with my best friend and the rest of the weekend relaxing and watching Shark Week!
Maternity clothes? I find myself wearing them more and more, but my regular wardrobe outfits definitely still outnumber the maternity outfits.
Sleep: It's still going pretty well.
Best moment this past week: The weekend in general. I had a wonderful date night with JP on Friday. I got to spend Saturday morning/afternoon with my best friend and the rest of the weekend relaxing and watching Shark Week!
Miss Anything? sushi!!!
Movement: I've had a few interesting feelings in my stomach, but nothing like the flutter last week. I'm not sure if they have been Baby or something else. I've been told many first time moms mistake Baby movement for other things. I'll leave that up to your imagination. :)
Food cravings: I still can't seem to get enough lemonade or fruit.
Movement: I've had a few interesting feelings in my stomach, but nothing like the flutter last week. I'm not sure if they have been Baby or something else. I've been told many first time moms mistake Baby movement for other things. I'll leave that up to your imagination. :)
Food cravings: I still can't seem to get enough lemonade or fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken!
Labor Signs: nope
Labor Signs: nope
Gender Prediction: girl - we find out later today!
Symptoms: Pregnancy wise, I feel awesome. I've been sick with a terrible cold all week thanks to my students!
Symptoms: Pregnancy wise, I feel awesome. I've been sick with a terrible cold all week thanks to my students!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very, very happy!!
Looking forward to: This afternoon! We are SO excited for our appointment!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very, very happy!!
Looking forward to: This afternoon! We are SO excited for our appointment!
So it's a girl! Congratulations! I know she will be beautiful just like her mama!