We had our anatomy scan (detailed ultrasound) on Monday at my 18 week appointment. We were able to see our sweet baby GIRL for a whole 30 minutes - possibly even longer. I swear, we would have been completely content had the ultrasound lasted 3 hours. We loved watching every. single. second. She was a bit stubborn the first few minutes (definitely my child), but it didn't take long for her to spend most of her time wiggling around and impressing her overly excited parents!
While my due date is still January 20th, baby girl is measuring about a week ahead at 19 weeks. This isn't too surprising given our heights alone. I'm 5'9 and JP is 6'1. Neither of us are tiny per say, so I hate to say it, but it was sort of expected. We're going to have a big baby. With a big head. It's going to be painful. I might as well admit it now rather than surprise myself down the road. At 18 weeks, the fetus typically weighs about 7 ounces on average. Our little over achiever weighs a little over 9 ounces.
Please pray for Baby Girl that she continues to grow, be healthy, and prepare herself for this crazy world in 5 short months. We have a ton of pictures from the ultrasound. Here are some of our favorites!
her hand is in the upper right hand corner
perfect little spine :)
Baby Girl already giving her mama kisses!
We had NO idea we'd get some 3D shots. How crazy is this?!
Her arms were raised up by her head the entire time - definitely my child! I fall asleep with my arms raised above my head almost every single night. So, you can see her right arm on the left side of each shot.
The full body profiles are definitely my favorite shots!
You can better see her arms by her head here.
Since we did a gender reveal with our families, we were looking away when the tech took the gender (genitalia? lol) shots. However, I think this may be the shot that gave it away.
No little boy parts hiding between those legs! :)
front view
I think this one may be my favorite!

Those are awesome! We go in for our scan tomorrow and I am so excited! We already know it's a boy but this is the first appointment that the husband gets to go and see the baby. Woohoo for healthy babies!
ReplyDeleteThose ultrasound photos are amazing!!! Thanks for sharing :) And good job predicting - you knew it was a girl the whole time!!