Upon leaving our anatomy scan last Monday, we held in our hands the video evidence of our
sweet little baby's future. Would she be a little version of her momma, all dressed in pink, sassy but sweet, completely enamored by her father, perfect little dancer, who would give anything to be held by her daddy? OR would we have a tough little mini JP, obsessed with sports, passionate for life and family, liked by all, and mommy's little comedian?
While it was hard, we waited to find out. We wanted to spend that special moment with our families - our parents, siblings, and two best friends. While my dad unfortunately missed the event, we were so blessed to have shared such a special and memorable moment with the people we love. It was an amazing night and I can't help but think of what a wonderful world full of love and compassion this sweet little baby will enter in
4 short months and some change (insert panic moment here).
I'll let the pictures share details of the night.
Now for the good part! :)
This might be my favorite picture of ALL time.
So, apparently we'll have a little tutu wearing, baby doll loving, way too knowledgeable about sports and cars than any girl should be, GENIUS, basketball throwing, completely dressed in pink
Daddy's Girl.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Dear future little boys and my friends with boys,
While we know you'll love our sweet little princess, Daddy is currently researching guns.
Just sayin'.
Love, Mama and Papa Mullan
ps. I KNEW it! :)

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