Sunday, November 25, 2012

32 weeks!

Our sweet Ellie girl is 32 weeks today.
The books say she should weigh about 4 pounds and be around 17 inches long, although we obviously can't take that too seriously anymore. I should be gaining about a pound a week and at least a half of that goes to our little babe. All in all, she looks like a real baby (as opposed to a fake baby, right?).  She's simply plumping up! However, she has also become sensitive to temperatures. Whether it be hot or cold, she would probably react (aka kick me!) to anything super cold or hot being on my belly. I promise to not torture you baby girl. :) -- Love, Mama

How far along? 32 WEEKS!
Baby's size? a squash
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Sleep: I slept in until at least 8:00 the last few mornings. This is rare, but definitely appreciated. I pretty much get up every night to pee at least 3-4 times, sometimes 7 or 8 times. It's fun.
Best moment(s) this past week: There were so many great moments this week! Thanksgiving was absolutely perfect. We had brunch with my in-laws and then spent the afternoon with my family. Loved every second but I was SO done and full by the end of the day. Totally worth it though. We spent Friday night watching our Devils DOMINATE UofA. As much as I despise watching football, it honestly was a good game. This is a rare comment; don't take it for granted, JP! We took our maternity photos on Saturday and I'm super excited to see the results. Lauren is absolutely amazing and we love her work! We also got TONS of work done on the nursery. Pictures to come!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach. And red wine. Still.
Movement: All the time. :) Still loving all her movements. She doesn't get up into my ribs too often anymore, thank you sweet baby Jesus. Either she's starting to get the hiccups more frequently or I'm noticing them more. Finally, our girl absolutely LOVES the right side of my stomach. You can almost always tell that she is on my right side. Sometimes she curls up into a little ball and pushes her butt out as far as it can go. It's really quite amusing, although not super comfortable. I swear, the left side of my stomach (the one you see in the belly pics) is so much smaller than the right.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Still not fond of meat for the most part.
Cravings: The only thing I constantly want these days is the caramel apple cider from Starbucks. It's becoming a real problem.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions come and go. I usually have a few a week.
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: I continue to feel exhausted and could easily sleep for 12 hours a day if I had the time. While I feel like I eat quite a few times a day, I get full rather quickly. I think my stomach is running out of room. The frequent cramping and bathroom trips never cease to disappoint.
Belly Button in or out? I think it's technically out. Although it's not super popped out. I am beginning to think it may continue to stretch and eventually sort of disappear.
Wedding rings on or off? on :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing the temporary nursery. I'm pretty much doing everything we would normally do minus the paint. Since we could be in the townhouse for as little as a month or up to 4 or 5 months, there is no point in painting her room. We'd just have to repaint it for our renters. So, the white walls remain for now. I'm also VERY excited for my shower next weekend!

32 weeks: Mama
In case y'all were wondering, I did make it my mission in life to do the board correctly this week.
32 weeks: Ellie

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