Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's in a name?

Eliana (Ellie) Grace
pronounced El-ee-on-uh
(not Alaina, Ellie-anna, or Alana)
It's of Hebrew origin.
It's common in Greek and Jewish cultures.
No, we're not Greek or Jewish.
It means God has Answered.
We first heard of Eliana in a baby name book. We both loved it and it was on our list of top 5 prior to finding out she was a girl. Once we realized she was a girl, we began trying to narrow down our list. We realized a few of our original choices wouldn't work for one reason or another. However, we were really drawn to names in which Ellie would be the nickname. Regardless of the first name, Grace would be her middle name.
We decided to look up the meaning to Eliana, which just so happened to be the same night we learned about the extra fluid in her kidneys. As soon as we read the meaning, we knew it was meant to be. We were sold. Our sweet baby girl would be named Eliana Grace.
So, there you have it, friends. As luck would have it, we've of course met or heard of people named Eliana since then. However, we're not budging. We love it and we're sticking to it! :)


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