Sunday, November 11, 2012


thirty weeks.
the big 3-0.
I. cannot. believe. it.

Where has time gone? I'm down to the final ten and in SEVEN weeks I will have reached full term. I'm going to be completely honest. I am sort of (or maybe big time) freaking out. Not just because her nursery isn't ready - although with every passing day it becomes pretty clear that we'll still be in the townhouse when Ellie arrives. I'm not looking forward to moving into a new house with a super newborn, but it is what it is. Anyway, I'm really freaking out because of how drastically our life is about to change. I'm not in denial. I knew it was coming. We willingly signed up for this and while we're excited, it's just a super overwhelming thought at the same time. It just got here so fast. SO fast, friends. I've never been responsible for another human for more than weekend (hello, nanny days!). While I feel more than 100% capable of taking care of a baby due to my experience, this is our baby. Am I ready for our baby to enter this world?! My heart will belong to her and she'll no longer be inside of me, with me at all times. This makes me nervous. Am I truly ready? I like to think yes. However, every once in a while the thought crosses my mind - holy life changing moment. We leave our home as a two person family and come home as family of 3 (plus the puppies!). Things are going to change soon, friends. REAL soon.
In another news, Ellie continues to grow, grow, grow! She weighs at least 3 pounds and is close to 16 inches long from head to toe. There aren't any drastic changes, other than all of her little baby parts continuing to grow. The langu that covers her body will likely start to come off this week in preparation for her big debut. As she continues to take up more space in my belly, the amniotic fluid she's swimming around in decreases.

How far along? 30 WEEKS!
Baby's size? cucumber (length wise, obviously not weight)
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Sleep: Honestly, I can't seem to figure out a pattern. Some nights it's great, others are awful. I sleep with my boppy every night and again, sometimes it works wonders, other times I want it to become my punching bag because I just can't get comfortable. Last night was the latter of the two.
Best moment(s) this past week: The 3-day weekend I'm currently experiencing is pretty freaking amazing. I also loved my lunch date with my best and spending time with friends Saturday night. :) 
Miss Anything? Being comfortable. And red wine.
Movement: All the time. :) Baby Girl is still cray-cray. Funniest thing ever happened this morning: I was laying on the couch with the iPad and Lily was laying on my HILL of a stomach. Out of no where Eliana decided it was time for Lily to go and kicked my stomach SO hard. Lily leaped off my belly and went running. Funniest. thing. EVER.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, although I suddenly got turned off by my random olive craving. They taste too salty all of a sudden.
Cravings: Sweets! I bought a bag of white chocolate peppermint covered pretzels at Costco. It's huge. It was a mistake. I'm pretty sure they'll be gone by next weekend.
Labor Signs: nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: They are officially in full force as of this week. The exhaustion and desire to sleep all the time is making its way back into my life, although it's not near as bad as the 1st tri...yet. I can't seem to get comfortable - when I'm sitting, laying down, trying to sleep, all of the above. You should see me getting up from a chair or out of the Mustang (or maybe even off of the toilet during my one in 1,362 visits a day!); it's a process. I literally have to sort of hold my breath. Bending over to put on shoes or take off my skinnies, again, a process - a seriously uncomfortable one at that. Shaving my legs, also not as easy all of a sudden. Picking things up off the floor, I feel (and probably look!) like I'm going to topple over. I think I'm basically all belly, which is great, but it makes for one front heavy pregnant woman! Finally, my bladder has apparently become either Eliana's tap dancing stage or pillow, depending on which direction she's facing. The result? Peeing 1,362 times a day.

Belly Button in or out? I think it's still in, but the inside part is popping more and more these days. It's like a little turkey timer, I swear it's going to go off any minute.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed, anxious, and happy. Happy, stressed, and anxious. Overwhelmed. I'm just a whole boat load of emotions I think. Take your pick.
Looking forward to: We have our second detailed anatomy scan this week on Thursday. I'm excited to see how much Eliana has grown. These ultrasounds are the best because we get to sit and stare at her for 30-45 minutes. She's such a little (ADD) mover that I'm really excited to see her moving on the screen and feel it at the same time. I've waited for this moment for a long time! We also get a ton of regular and 3D shots, again, awesome. I'm also looking forward to Thanksgiving break
30 weeks: Mama

*This is the edited version, thank you to my amazing husband!

30 weeks: Ellie

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