Friday, May 3, 2013

Sleep, what is that?!

Last night was the worst night Ellie has had to date. I went to bed at midnight, only to be woken up by my little stingbug lovebug at 12:30. Every time she'd start to fall asleep on my chest, she'd wake herself up tossing and turning. If I tried to put her back in the Rock n Play next to our bed, she'd wake back up almost immediately. It was exhausting. Thankfully(!!!!), JP woke up and took Ellie downstairs around 4:30. I was able to sleep from 5-8 and it was the best 3 hours of sleep ever.
(Thanks pumpkin, you're the best daddy and husband I could ask for!)
I just don't know what's going on with my girl -- growth spurt, sleep regression, or what? I know it's not a wonder week, but I really don't know. However, I woke up this morning and once again read the article I posted here. I needed that little reminder, followed by lots of love and smiles this morning. Gosh, I love this girl!
melt my heart.
I keep thinking about the things I want to get done, but once again Ellie is napping on my chest.
The girl only wants her Mama and since it's not 4:30am, I can't complain.
We'll wait it out, Baby Girl.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany! I also have a little girl that is 14 weeks! I am also a new mom and I am Not sure if I'm qualified to give any advice but I would like to share something that I accidentally found out worked for our little girl. As I was folding clothes one night I put our little girl in the crib with her sleep sheep on that played ocean sounds. I was gone for a little over 5 minutes and when I came back she was sleeping! So that night we tried to get her to sleep in her crib with her sheep on! I think she was about 5 or 6 weeks at this time.She slept through the night only getting up once! We never looked back and now we have an iPod in her room that plays ocean sounds very loud and she sleeps from 8 p.m. until 6 or 7 a.m.This is just a suggestion from one new mom to another.I know if I was losing sleep I would take any advice i could get!! I hope you're beautiful little girl finds something that works for her and she goes back to a normal sleeping schedule! I just found your blog and really enjoy reading it.:)
