Wednesday, October 2, 2013

8 months

(I am oh so late on this post, I know. In my defense I've been having issues with Blogger. Time for a move perhaps?)

This pretty girl is EIGHT months (and a week) old!
That 2/3 of a year, people!
Holy crap! How did THAT happen?!
Ellie as of lately..
is quite ticklish on her thighs, sides, and feet
laughs all the time
can stay up on all fours for long periods of time
rocks on all fours
..but has yet to get on all fours on her own (she's close though!)
may be going for a record by weighing in at 23 pounds
wears mostly size 9 and 12 month clothing
she may or may not be wearing some size 18 month pants
freaks out if Mama leaves the room without her
holds her arms out for people (mostly Mom and Dad)
loves, loves, loves chicken (definitely my kid!)
can grab small pieces of food and other things with her pincer fingers - SO CUTE!
smiles all. day. long.
unless you're a stranger or there's a camera in sight, then it's the fridge face
flails her arms like it's going out of style
loves when we sing and clap for her
graduated to a BIG GIRL convertible car seat
loves all things shiny and sparkly (yep, definitely my kid)
stayed at Nana's for her first overnight
still wakes up twice a night on most nights
occasionally spoils Mama by sleeping through the night
thinks Lily is the coolest thing since the boob sliced bread
favorite foods are chicken, sweet potato, and puffs




My Perfect Little (big) Bean,
Wow, I can't believe I'm already writing my 8 month letter to you. While I miss those sweet little newborn days, I think this age is the most fun thus far. We love how interactive and playful you've become. I can really see the relationships you've formed with those you know well and it's so sweet. I'm still struggling a bit when it comes to balancing being a great teacher, mommy, and wife. However, knowing that I get to come back home to you keeps me going. My heart is so full with the love I have for you and your Daddy. I can't wait to see where each new month takes us! I love you my sweet, sweet little princess pumpkin.
Love, Mama
Learning to balance so many roles has unfortunately caused my blog to take the backseat. However, I'm working on getting back into my groove. In the meantime, help a Mama out and VOTE! :)

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