Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Recap

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love holidays in general.
  But Christmas. The season. The hype. The presents. The family. 

All of it.

So, of course, I couldn't wait to share our first Christmas with the Bean!

Surprisingly, she handled it quite well being the Mama/Dada anxious baby that she is.

We spent Christmas Eve at my mom's house visiting with family, eating an AMAZING dinner, and opening our first round of presents.

Christmas morning both of our immediate families came to our house for Christmas morning. We had a pretty yummy breakfast spread set up, then spent the morning opening presents, and celebrating.

She was really into opening each package.
Then the toy.
For about 10 seconds.

Before she was ready for the next.... and this is how the morning continued.
(very excited to ditch my Coach diaper bag for my new Storksak!)

We then took a trip down to Tucson to celebrate with the Rimsza side of the family. While I was worried about Ellie and the drive, she did great.

She suckered everyone into walking her. She's real good, guys.

We had such a wonderful holiday spent with our loved ones. 
I can't wait to see how much more excited Ellie gets for Christmas next year!

Please vote for us, friends! :)