Friday, January 3, 2014

One Word


A New Year.

New Beginnings.

New Memories.

New Goals.

I'll be honest, I'm not typically one for making New Years resolutions. 
Well, to be quite frank, a year is a long time. And I'm afraid of failure.
I don't want to promise myself something only to not succeed.
I've thought of a couple things, here and there, that could potentially be a New Years goal. 
However, back to my dilemma, I don't wan to set myself up for failure. 
A year is a LONG time folks.

That being said, there's a trend that's going around in the blogging world, as well as social media. I've debated back and forth on whether or not I to participate. The more I've thought about it, the more I've come to terms with the idea.

The idea being to come up with a word. ONE word that you can focus on in 2014.
I have my word...


Begin a working Mom, I like to think that I maintain pretty decent balance between work and home. 
But the reality is, I don't know that I really do. 

There are nights I focus more on grades than my sweet girl.
The problem here is that I tend to procrastinate. I don't keep up with grading on a daily basis like I should, which in turn forces me to spend long nights or weekend days catching up.

There are days that I'm at work, having a particularly rough day (these tend to be common with this year's group of kids), and all I can think about is how frustrated I am that I'm not home with Ellie.
This also isn't fair. I'm not being the best teacher that I can be.

While I'm still trying to decide if the Working Mom is for me, I need to maintain balance between Mom and Teacher. However, I can't forget my third role, Wife. I married the love of my life and when I focus all my energy on work or being Mom, my poor husband falls in the shadows. That's not fair to him either.

So, balance. I need to find and maintain a balance between Mom, Wife, and Teacher.

There are a few more other, more personal, areas in my life that need more balance.
And my goal is to find that balance.

I think I can do it.

So, what about you? What's your word for 2014?!


  1. What a sweet blog! I also am a teacher & new mama!!! Happy weekend!

  2. Cute blog and your daughter is adorable!!

  3. Well said! I am also a working is really such a huge part of success in both areas and sanity...balance!

  4. So sweet! Happy New Year.

