Monday, August 13, 2012

17 Weeks

Baby M is 17 weeks as of today. Baby is about 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces. Her little skeleton is beginning to change from cartilage to bone. She can move all her joints and now has sweat glands. I hope that means she'll begin her little workouts and I'll feel a lot more movement soon - really, really soon!

I've read that around this time is when pregnant women get a little off balance - something about our growing bellies and gravity. Gravity schmavity. My books tell me to avoid situations in which there is a high risk of falling. Not a problem. They also say to wear low heels. I didn't realize I'd have to give up all my stilettos at 17 weeks. This makes me really, really sad. I guess I'll save them for super special occasions in the coming weeks, however, I'm not 100% ready to give them up just yet.

How far along? 17 weeks
Baby's size? an onion - yuck!
Total weight gain: 6.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? Still rocking the belly band! I wear my maternity shirts once in a while. I really worry about stretching out my regular clothing!

Sleep: It's still going pretty well. I loved sleeping in this weekend!

Best moment this past week: Spending the week with my students. I love my class and we had such a great first week together!
Miss Anything? sushi!!!
I did feel my first few flutters on Wednesday. It lasted all of 5 seconds but it was amazing and definitely baby movement! I've been pushing on Baby M for the past few days hoping to feel it again, but no such luck.
Food cravings: I'm still loving lemonade and I've added mango anything to the mix. Honestly, I'm so hungry all the time. I eat healthy most of the time, but it's freaking me out because I'm really worried about straight up packing on the pounds.
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken!
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender Prediction: girl - we find out next Monday!!!! Ahhh, can't wait!
Symptoms: Honestly, I feel fabulous now. No more headaches, no nausea, no pains, and great sleep (other than last night). I just continue growing by the second. I'm also still waiting for this so called "glow."
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very, very happy!!

Looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a little girl or boy! Monday cannot come soon enough. We're also doing a little mini gender reveal with our parents, siblings, and best friends. I can't wait!

17 weeks
I've officially reached the point of no return - the point in which there is NO hiding this bump. I also think I've reached the point that when people see me, I think (or at least hope) they know I'm pregnant and not just overly excited about this new appetite.

1 comment:

  1. You may not be able to see it but you are already glowing. Love you, Mom
