Monday, August 27, 2012

19 weeks :)

Baby Girl is 19 weeks today! Although she's probably measuring a little closer to 20 weeks since she's measuring a week ahead. According to her 19 week stats she should weigh about 8.5 ounces. However, if you read my last post, you noticed Baby Girl was already 9 ounces. My guess is she's probably a little closer to 10 by this point. If measuring head to bottom, she should be about 6 inches. Although if measured head to toe, I believe she's supposed to be about 10 inches. Almost a complete foot, the length of a ruler!

There are quite a few other amazing changes our little girl is going through. All of her body parts are now proportionate to each other. Hair (hopefully lots of it!) on her scalp is beginning to form. Her brain is designating special areas for each of her senses. Baby Girl's kidneys and intestines are working full force to digest, create, and pass fluids. I believe all of the major developments have occurred. Now, her main goal is to simply fatten up and grow!

How far along? 19 weeks
Baby's size? a large mango (19 weeks)
Total weight gain:  apparently zero since last week - I'm still up 7 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Sometimes!

Sleep: Okay - not bad, but not wonderful. My favorite way to sleep is on my stomach, which I can no longer do. Let's just say sleep has been more difficult. Baby Girl also doesn't like me laying on my stomach!

Best moment this past week: There were a few extra great moments this week. Finding out we're having a baby girl with our families at the gender reveal celebration tops the list though, which may be equally tied with feeling baby girl move all. week. long.
Miss Anything? sushi!!!
Baby Girl is officially moving like craaazy! She's pretty much moving on and off all day long and I've loved every moment. However, on Saturday she was doing one of two things - she was either participating in a tumbling contest or pushing up against my rib cage. Either way, this mama was not loving it. It was painful. It continued on like this for about two hours and then she went back to her sweet little movements. :) We can't see or feel her moving from the outside yet, but JP (is sort of) patiently waiting. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken! Which reminds me of another crazy moment I had this past week. First and foremost, I basically never eat red meat. I don't eat burgers or steak. I'll eat something like lasagna if someone else makes it, but that's about as far as I've gone on the red meat train in I can't even remember how long. I only cook with ground turkey. Anyway, JP and I went out to dinner on Friday. Out of NO WHERE, I decided I needed to eat a cheeseburger. JP was beyond shocked. I did it though; I ordered and ate (about half) of a cheeseburger. That's definitely a once in a lifetime moment, so I made sure JP cherished every moment. That will probably never happen again.
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: Just a whole lot of baby girl movement!
Belly Button in or out? in - although it feels different these days, it's WEIRD.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very, very happy!!

Looking forward to: Laying by the pool and spending time with friends next weekend - 3 day weekend!

19 week baby shot
Interesting! All ten inches of her crammed into a little ball! Between her tumbling skills Saturday and flexibility based on this picture, we just may have a little gymnast on our hands!
19 week belly shot

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