Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Today has been quite the interesting day.
Exhibit 1
As I'm about to pull into the parking lot at school, I remember that I have duty. It's 7:37, making me 7 minutes late. Great start to my day. Only, it gets better. I realize that many of the teachers are standing around in the parking lot and in front of the school, which of course confuses me. Turns out, school was canceled. This day REALLY did just get better! Despite how much I am loving this school year, let's be honest, it doesn't hurt anyone to have a random mid week day off.

Turns out there was a really bad storm last night and lightning stuck our transformer box (power source) outside. Meaning, there was no power in the school. No power = no school. Yesss! Read more about it and watch a video, HERE.

Making this situation even more interesting is the fact that the pregnancy in me would have normally gone shopping and perhaps gotten a pedicure (I'm in desperate need - definitely on my agenda for the weekend) because Baby obviously needs a momma with some new clothes and pretty feet. (I'm well aware that was the longest run on sentence ever. Go with it.) However, I chose to stay at school and plan for next week. I then ran various errands, none of which involved me making any clothing purchases or pedicure appointments. This is quite the amazing feat! I am rather proud if I do say so myself! 
Exhibit 2
I saw this video on one of my favorite blogs today. I'm not sure how much I necessarily believe it or don't believe it. It's definitely interesting though. I'll have to remember this once Baby is here. I'll keep y'all posted on this so called "baby language."
Exhibit 3
 I found this! I think I can officially add anything and everything mango to my pregnancy craving list. Making lemonade, mango, and fruit in general my go-to's this pregnancy. Anyhow, I found this little gem at the grocery store today. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Mango Lemonade! You may be asking yourself, "What's so interesting about mango lemonade?" Well, my friends, the clearly were thinking of ME when the came up with this concoction. It is absolutely divine!!

Happy Hump Day my lovelies! :)

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