Thursday, April 25, 2013

3 months

THIS sweet girl is THREE months old today!

Can you believe it?!
I seriously tear up when I think about how quickly the past 3 months have gone. I've been so blessed to stay home with Ellie and I still have a little over 2 weeks home before I go back to work for a whopping two weeks, then I'm off again for the summer! Yeeeah buddy!


Now, how about some updates!
In the past month this sweet little cupcake....
LOVES standing all. day. long.
weighs about 12.5 pounds and 24 inches long
is in the 47 percentile for weight and 84 percentile for height
has developed a bad habit of wanting to sleep in mama's arms
still needs to be swaddled at night (or her flailing arms will wake her up)
still sleeps in the Rock n Play next to our bed
loves daddy's razzleberries
is wearing size 2 diapers
has officially outgrown ALL of her newborn clothes
wears 3 month clothing
still wakes up twice most nights (sometimes once if I'm lucky!)
plays with her hair when nursing and sleeping
would rotate between the changing table, her stroller (on a walk), or the bathtub
(all day every day if we'd led her)
loves spending time in her Jumperoo
likes looking at bright colors, including the tv!
loves hanging out on the Bumbo while Mommy and Daddy eat dinner at the table
(don't worry, we never leave her side if she's in the Bumbo on an elevated surface - calm down)
has an itty bitty manipulative (read: DIVA) personality
enjoys morning conversations with Mommy
still takes about 3 naps per day
has decided she doesn't love the care after all (boo!)
is growing like a weed!
We love you SO much sweet green bean. While not every moment has been perfect (most have!), you make Mommy and Daddy so incredibly happy and we feel so blessed to have you in our lives. You're perfect in every way and we can't wait to see how much more you grow and develop in the coming months.

Happy 3 Month Birthday, my Sweet Pea!!
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Thanks, loves!! :)


  1. Hi, I'm curious how the rock and play has been working out for you at night? We got one with the intention of our daughter (due in 5 weeks) sleeping in it for a few months before we transition her to the crib. A few of my cousins told me to get a moses basket or traditional bassinet but I'm sort of sold on the rock and play. What are your thoughts? Thanks! Love the pics!

  2. Thank you!! :) The RnP works really well for us. Since she's still waking up to nurse once (usually twice) a night, it's conveniently right next to my side of the bed. After our nighttime routine, we swaddle, then rock or pat her to sleep on our chests, and place in the RnP upstairs around 8. We'll use the monitor to watch her until we go to bed around 11 or 12. When she wakes up to nurse, she goes right back down in the RnP. Although after her second feeding around 4 or 5am, I've found she'll sleep in later if I let her stay in bed with us. So, we'll both fall back asleep with her on my chest.

  3. Such gorgeous pictures!

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower, Alice x
