Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ellie's First Easter

We had such a great Easter, best one to date! The week before Ellie got to met the Easter Bunny. I couldn't help but snatch a few pictures in this darling outfit.
Would it be weird if she still wore it, even though Easter is over?

Ellie was fairly unimpressed. We, on the other hand, were quite impressed with just how
 creepy the Easter Bunny has become over the years.

We spent Easter Sunday with our families. We had brunch with the Mullan side where Ellie was passed around like a hot potato. Let's be honest, she wasn't complaining. The girl loves to be held.
I know I say this over, and over again very much like a broken record, but I am SO thankful for this perfect little girl that God has blessed us with. Our love for her is endless and has only made our little family that much more perfect and complete.

Excuse the pirate eye. Ellie apparently wasn't ready.

Grandma showing Ellie her Easter basket.

Someone was such a daddy's girl all. day. long.

Hanging out with Auntie Anne and Great-Grandma Anne

Monkey toes with Daddy! Melt my heart!

Loving on Great Auntie Louise
We spent the rest of the afternoon with the Krug side of the family. We went on an Easter Egg hunt, played Left Right Center and poker, and ate way too much food. This handsome man of mine dominated the games. Not only did he win Left Right Center, but he also won Poker. Somebody needs to go to Vegas stat!

Helping Nana play Poker

I'm in LOVE with Ellie's Easter dress this year, although I must admit, it wasn't the intended outfit. I originally bought a super cute white and yellow dress a couple of months ago. Thinking ahead, I assumed she'd wear the 3 month size. Wrong. Thankfully, I checked the night before and realized our dilemma. This sent us on an impromptu shopping extravaganza at the mall. I wasn't complaining, obvi.  We found this dress and I couldn't be happier. What was I thinking? It was my Sweet Girl's first Easter. Of course she had to wear pink!

 My precious little lover bean makes me the happiest!
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Linking up with the Friday Baby Shower!


  1. Your little Ellie is just so sweet and precious! It looks like you had a wonderful Easter!

    Found you over at the Friday Baby Shower :)

    Happy Weekend to you!


  2. Thank you so much!! Glad you found us. :)

