Thursday, March 21, 2013

Products: The Overrated

In reference to my Products: What I Love post, there are also those products that I don't love and find to be overrated (at least for now). I imagine, I may find some of these things useful later down the road. However, I thought I'd like them from the get-go. Not so much.
What's Overrated?
1. Baby Bjorn

In theory, we love this. JP enjoys wearing it, but it just doesn't work that well with a newborn.
So, we put it back on the shelf until Ellie gets a little older/bigger.
2. Huggies Diapers

Between my shower and JP's Baby-Q, we got a ton of diapers in all sorts of brands and sizes. We quickly learned that Huggies diapers are awful. We had quite a few blowouts and they didn't fit as well, both of which caused us to put them on tighter. Putting them on tighter made her skin more irritated. Domino effect, if you will. We used all the newborn ones, but only because we had them easy access. We'd never buy them now. We still have many Huggies packages in other sizes. As we approach each size, I will definitely be exchanging them for Pampers.
3. Target Up&Up Wipes

We got a ton of these at my baby shower. While we used them all, we hated them. They would stick together in the package, making grabbing them with one hand impossible, which isn't convenient when you have a super poopy diaper with a baby that likes to ride the upside down bicycle with her legs. They were also really long and super wet, both features we hated. This happens to be one of those things you just can't go store brand on, stick to the good brands, friends.
4. Simplisse Gel Soothies
The first two weeks of breastfeeding were SO incredibly brutal, which you can read about here. In between sessions I would rotate between letting my lady humps air dry, using Lansioh cream, and using the Medela soothies. The Medela ones were great. We tried the Simplisse soothies one time (BBB was out of the Medela) and they were awful. They weren't as soothing and were actually painful to peel back off. If you want soothies, definitely stick to Medela!
5. The Boppy (for breastfeeding)
I originally asked for one of these to aide myself in nursing. However, when placed on my lap it's too high and makes nursing more difficult. I've gotten pretty good at just holding her up and supporting my arm with my leg or a pillow if there's one nearby. She's still light enough that I honestly don't need anything. I sometimes walk around breastfeeding her! We do use the Boppy as a little chair when she's sitting up and even for tummy time though.
6. Any Plastic Bathtub

I got a super cute one at my shower. I forget the brand, but it was a cute little princess one. However, it just didn't have enough cushion or padding. It also didn't work well with our kitchen sink, which is where we prefer to bathe her.
7. Nursing Cover

While I do nurse in public and I'm not ashamed to do so, I just use a blanket to cover the goods. It's much easier to maneuver the baby and boob than when using a nursing cover. So, don't waste your money. If you REALLY want one, use an apron. Same thing.
8. Sleep Sacks

We used these the first few nights she was home to help keep her warm. However, we quickly learned that while they kept her warm, they weren't as conducive in helping her stay asleep. We went back to swaddling very quickly. Perhaps we'll try the sacks again once she reaches the point of being able to move around in her sleep without waking herself up.

9. Crib Bumpers

While they're adorable, they are NOT safe for a baby. We never got one because I knew of the risks beforehand. While this research is everywhere, I find this article helpful. These have actually been banned in some states. Unfortunately, they're still being sold here in Arizona. If you want something to protect Baby from the crib slats, I recommend getting a mesh bumper. We haven't purchased one yet since Ellie isn't in her crib, but I imagine at some point when she's moving around a lot and sleeping in her crib, we'll put one up.
There are quite a few other products/items we have that we haven't used yet because Ellie is still so young. So, I'll probably make a 2.0 version of products I love and those that are overrated later down the road.

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Linking in with The Friday Baby Shower!



  1. I seriously love this entire list! I found myself going "UH-HUH!" with so many of them!!! Especially the Target wipes & Huggies diapers - we dislike them both soo much. I make my own wipes at home now - so fabulous and easy and the "recipe" is on my blog! And we love Pampers... best. diapers. ever. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. There seems to be a general mama consensus about huggies diapers -- I've never heard one good thing about them! And I've heard the boppy is better for when babies are a little older, but that the my breast friend is best for when they're little! Our crib bedding just came in, and even though I never will use them, it came with bumpers. But you know... I like how the crib looks better without it anyway! Happy Friday :)

  3. I actually use my boppy for nursing all the time. I also really like my nursing cover. Totally with you on the other stuff though.

  4. Jamie: I tried using the Boppy, but my body just must not be the right proportions. It places her too high and she can't reach the boob right. The nursing cover, I'm sure it does a great job for some. I just prefer to use an Aden & Anais swaddling blanket instead. :)

  5. The boppy for us was a lifesaver because I had an emergency csection. I needed the extra cushion to hold onto and football holding as a new mama (best hold I found for csection wound) was WAY awkward the first few days. :) The nursing cover started becoming fantastic when he would start pulling on my blankets to see the world... right around the same time I took a three hour flight to get to our new home by myself next to a very nice but way uncomfortable man. Nursing N the entire time (poor ears needed it), it was good to have something attached :) hehe!

    And Bjorn? Well... I have strong feelings. ;) Ryan loved going to the Ergo after we figured out we didn't like the Bjorn very much. It goes up to 45lbs and was a lifesaver for an on the go fam :)

    Everything else-totally agree!

  6. I cannot wait to try out my swaddling blankets!!

  7. Like you didn't get as much use out of the Bjorn in the early days as expected - although lots of friends did. In retrospect wish we had persevered more as think keeping upright more would have really helped with colic.

    Thanks so much for linking up at the Friday Baby Shower Alice xxx
