Thursday, March 28, 2013

Car Seat Safety

One of my favorite phrases is... "Well, when we had our kids.."
Honestly, I hate this phrase. I get it. Things were different back then. But you know what? There is LOT more research that has been done since you had your kids or since you were a kid. Believe it or not, things change. Standards change. Safety laws change. It is what it is. I like to keep up with these so called changes, if you will.
One of the topics I often hear with this particular phrase is in reference to car seats.
I don't really care how it was back then. Just because children weren't required to be in car seats once upon a time, doesn't mean that's acceptable today. To be honest, I'm a new mom raising a baby now. So, I want to follow the laws and safety recommendations that are in place now. Here are a few things I see most often that moms are either failing to do or are uneducated about.
Babies should be rear facing until at least 1 year of age (by law) or 2 years of age (recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics).
A lot of people complain about this, their child is too big, too long, too whatever. I get it, but you know what, if it's a matter of life and death in a really bad car accident, I'll take it. I'd rather have a broken leg than neck or even worse, not a child at all. If your child meets the weight AND length maximums listed by the car seat manufacturer, then it's safe to switch to forward facing sooner.
Children under the age of 8 or under 4ft. 9 in. tall should be in a booster seat.
As a teacher, I see failure to use a booster seat FAR too often and it always breaks my heart. The booster seats are not meant to be a stylish car accessory. They're intended to keep your children safe. USE them!
Children should not wear bulky jackets while in a car seat.
I would have never even thought of this until someone shared this video. Seriously, folks. I can't imagine. Warm up your car as much as you need to, but please do not have your children wearing big bulky jackets when in their car seats. Don't believe me? Check out this video:
The safety harness belongs in a very specific position.
I often see pictures of kids with the harness down low. It should be up high and in line with their shoulders/armpits in order to provide the best protection in an accident.
I know there are many, many other laws and recommendations in regards to car seat safety. However, these are the ones I see parents struggling with the most. Perhaps they don't know? Perhaps they don't care? I'm not sure, but since I know so many mamas with children and soon-to-be mama's, I just wanted to share the information I've researched. We all know I like to hear myself talk, but this isn't a blog post about my opinion. These aren't made up recommendations. In reality, I know most parents will make decisions in what they feel is the best interest of their children and I'm okay with that. What I really want to see is more educated decisions being made. That's all. :)
Be informed and make the best decisions for your little ones!!
 And just so you all don't think I'm crazy, here are some helpful articles that
support each of the above statements.
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  1. Love it :) I am also ALL for car seat safety. N is the average size of an 8/9 year old now and we have no reason to change him from his super safe high back booster with 5pt harness :)

  2. Another big one too that I didn't know when N was born is not putting anything inside the carseat (JJ Cole Bundle Me was what I used the first winter until I found out!) because it does the same as a jacket.

  3. That's awesome, Jen! I feel like a lot of mamas jump up to the next seat far before they should. I didn't know the JJ Cole Bundle Me's were bad! We obviously don't need them here in Arizona, but I know so many moms that use them in other states. Good to know and thanks for sharing! :)
