Tuesday, June 19, 2012

9 weeks

I'm 9 weeks as of yesterday! The baby is officially a fetus, rather than an embryo. Knowing that there's an actual baby growing inside of me is such a relief. Much to my husband's dismay, I am happy to report that my little bean no longer has a tail. His/her gender organs have started forming, although they won't be distinguishable for a quite some time.

How far along? 9 weeks
Baby's size? an olive; baby is about an inch long!
Total weight gain: I'm not even going to lie,  I ate so much food and without any reservations while on our staycation this weekend. Therefore, I do not dare step on a scale. Hopefully I'll have the courage to share next week. :)
Maternity clothes? I have purchased a few items, however, I don't plan on wearing them anytime soon.

Sleep: I've been so busy, that my daily naps have somewhat dwindled. Boo! I'm sleeping about 10 hours or so each night, which is uh-mazing!
Best moment this past week: Spending the weekend at the Ritz with my sweet husband. He goes out of his way to make me happy and comfortable, even when I act like a complete nutcase!
Miss Anything? still missing sushi!
nothing yet
Food cravings: anything sweet, especially fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still struggling with meat.
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender: Although we can't wait to find out, we don't have any intuition one way or another at this point.
Symptoms: I'm still tired and would be perfectly content sleeping 20 out of the 24 hours in a day. My face has cleared up - hallelujah! Some body parts (I'll leave this up to your imagination) seem to be growing at a rapid rate. I still get nauseous from time to time, but it usually goes away after a bite or two of anything. Honestly, I feel very fortunate because I think I've had it pretty easy so far. (knock on wood)
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: very happy!
Looking forward to: Our appointment next week, we're hoping to hear the heartbeat.

Here is the long awaited chalk board (inspiration, here) I'll be using to help document this pregnancy. As I've already mentioned, the amount of food I ate this weekend was ridic, therefore, I'm holding off just one more week before posting a baby bump picture. The picture isn't the greatest, which simply reminds me how much I want a new camera (it's on my birthday wish list for this year!). :)

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