Monday, September 3, 2012

Half Baked!

20 weeks. Four and a half months. Halfway there. 139 days to go. While 3 digits may appear as if I still have a long time to share my body (and everything that goes into it!) with Baby Girl, I really don't. This time is flying bye, which is 100% bittersweet.

It feels like just yesterday that we found out we were expecting a baby and now here we are, half way done. While I've been so excited this entire time, this past week something sort of changed. I want this little girl here. Now. I'm not sick of being pregnant, in fact, I LOVE being pregnant now that the headaches are gone and I look pregnant instead of looking like I ate one too many donuts. Although I ironically have had 5 or 6 donuts since being pregnant, which is more than I think I've had in my entire life.

So, it's not that I want the pregnancy to be over. I'm truly loving it. I'm just so unbelievably eager to hold our little girl in my arms! I'm one of those instant gratification type people and this trait is definitely coming out in full force. I find myself admiring women with little babies while I'm out. I watch (or obsessively stare at) them and I just can't help myself. I tear up thinking about how God has blessed and trusted me enough to grant ME (and my sweet husband) with a baby. I too will get to have a baby in my arms in 20 short weeks (possibly less since she's measuring a week ahead). I freaking tear up watching a mother and baby. Pregnancy hormones, much?!

Alright, how about some more on Baby Girl. Which by the way, we have decided on a name. We're 99.9% sure. While we have been telling family and friends, I want to hold on to it a bit longer before I share on the blog or facebook. Anyhow, back to Baby Girl! (sorry the pregnancy lack of attention span is also in FULL force). Baby Girl weighs at least 10.5 ounces and is about 10-10.5 inches from head to heel, which is about the length of a banana (I'm not even kidding when I say that I just went to check out some of the bananas in our kitchen!). She's officially producing meconium (think black, sticky poop) that she'll so graciously share with us upon her first diaper change or two. Her little finger prints are here to stay. Her teeth buds are also beginning to form under her gums. Finally, she's beginning to form little eyelashes and eyebrows. Yesss! Baby Girl is looking less and less like an alien every day! :)

How far along? 20 weeks
Baby's size? cantaloupe!
Total weight gain: 8 pounds (normal by week 20 is 10 pounds)
Maternity clothes? Sometimes!

Sleep: Still just okay, not wonderful, but not bad. I haven't had a GOOD night's sleep in a while though. I'm highly contemplating ordering THIS. JP's Pillowina (long story) will have to move on over! There may not be enough room in our bed for all four of us. I've also been having nightmares about stretch marks. This can't be good.

Best moment this past week: The 3-day weekend, hands down, has been the best part about this week. After teaching for four straight weeks after a long restful summer, this weekend is by far one of the best of the school year. I was able to relax, take naps, go shopping, spend quality time with my love and best friends, swim, and clean my house from top to bottom!
Miss Anything? sushi!!! I'm dying here, folks. I neeeeeed some sushi.
Baby Girl is still moving away! She didn't move as often this week, but I do still feel her moving at least once or twice a day. However, she did seem a little extra active this weekend. I absolutely love it, but I can't wait for JP to be able to share in this with me. Come on, Baby Girl, move a little bit more..Daddy is dying to feel you!
Anything making you queasy or sick: In general, I'm still struggling with all meat other than fish. I was able to eat chicken enchiladas on Saturday and even a few bites of chicken mixed with rice and way too much sriracha during our  Teppanyaki dinner Friday night. Baby steps! :)
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: Just a whole lot of baby girl movement!
Belly Button in or out? Guys! My belly button is officially ca-razy! It's wider, a bit flatter, and definitely still in, but the inner part is sort of popping out inside (if that makes ANY sense at all). I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling a tiny bit with this change. I'm only 20 weeks! I wasn't prepared for it to change this much so soon!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very, very happy all the time. Like almost too happy. I'd probably be annoyed by me if I were my friends. ;)

Looking forward to: Anyone and everyone that knows me, knows that saying I love fall is actually an understatement. I'm obsessed with everything fall and it's always my favorite time of year. I'm very happy to see that it is quickly approaching! The Pumpkin Spice Latte (sans the whip) from Starbucks is officially back, which I fully enjoyed yesterday morning. Oh, and I'm well aware that it's still 100 degrees outside. Get excited!

The Half Baked Baby Bump :)
*Please note that there is definitely a bit of a shadow enhancing this bump!

Happy Labor Day, my lovelies!

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