Tuesday, June 25, 2013

FIVE months

Holy craziness!!
I can't believe THIS sweet girl is 5 months old already!

She has developed quite the little personality over the past month and has become
such a fun little baby. It's so fun to watch her learn and grow each day!
Miss Ellie....
is still loving the breast milk all. day. long.
eats every 2 hours or so
loves blowing razzleberries
loves to copy us blowing razzleberries (cutest thing ever!!)
is back to sleeping in her crib for the first two stretches each night
joins us in bed around 4am every morning
loves to cuddle
grabs at our faces
sticks her fingers IN our mouths
still wakes up twice a night, occasionally more on a rough night
is definitely teething, but nothing has popped through yet!
can be in the worst mood ever, but the second that girl steps outside, she's in Heaven
is wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothing (slow down, baby girl!)
weighs almost 18 pounds
is still in size 2 diapers
would spend all day in her jumperoo if we'd let her - the girl can bounce, y'all!
enjoys tummy time
puts anything and everything in her mouth
rolls over from tummy to back randomly, but still not consistently
can b a r e l y fit into her Bumboo, but loves it nonetheless
can sit up on her own for short periods of time
(although not longer than a minute before face planting)
likes to eat listen to books
officially loves car rides, hallelujah!
is turning into quite the chunky monkey with thighs for days (see below)
smiles for all the days
(except when you put a camera in front of her!)
giggles at funny sounds, but not too often...yet

the rolls...have rolls!!!
Our Sweet Princess,
We love this mostly (you're not a fan of teething!) sweet little personality that is developing each and every day. You've become such a fun, inquisitive, and happy little girl. It's hard to believe that you're already 5 months old when it seems like just yesterday we were holding, cuddling, and kissing on you for the very first time. While we love watching each new development, we're trying to hard to savor these baby moments. They're so precious and I feel like they're being taken away right before my very eyes. You're our sweet, precious, and lovable little bean and we love you to the moon and back!!
Love, Mama and Daddy
Happy 5 Month Birthday my Sweet Bean!

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  1. Breastfed rolls are the best. The Bowen side prides themselves on 30 lbs in a year as a norm! Then they stop with the chunk and move to the height!
    She is beautiful!

  2. What a princess! They definitely want to get out of the house and see the world don't they at 5 months.

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower - Alice x
