Thursday, June 27, 2013


...and so it begins. The lifetime full of worry and questioning I'll do as a Mother.

Throughout the first year of a baby's life (any many years to follow) there are certain developmental milestones babies should reach. The time in which babies reach each milestone will vary between babies. Some babies do things sooner than others. Some are lazy slackers.
Apparently MY baby is one of the slackers.
Ellie occasionally rolls, although not consistently.
She's laughed a handful of times, although again, not consistently.
She can sit up using her hands for support for a minute or so, although more often it's like 20-30 seconds.
She holds her head up really well during tummy time, but she isn't using her arms to hold up her upper chest.
She can't grab her feet on her own. This could be the result of her hefty thighs interfering.
Although she cheats and can crab them when sitting up.
Therefore, she's NO WHERE near getting up on all fours or crawling.
She still doesn't have a consistent eating/napping schedule.
She's barely 5 months.
Yet, many other moms I know (both in real life and via online) with babies around
this age are doing much of the above consistently. That's great, I'm happy for them.
But it makes me feel like we failed somewhere.
Why isn't Ellie doing these things yet?
Did we not give her enough tummy time early on?
Do we caudle her?
Are we holding her too often?
Is she not getting enough independent play time?
Should we be trying to push a schedule?
People tell me I shouldn't be comparing Ellie to other babies, but it's hard not to.
Why isn't she (consistently) doing these things yet and is it my fault?


  1. It sounds to me like your baby isn't too far behind at all! My son rolled over 3 times in one day before he was 5 months and then stopped completely for a month, didn't start sitting up for more than a few seconds until he was over 6 months, and started crawling at 7 months. They get the hang of something one time, and then they don't stop, even when you want them too! My son started trying to pull himself up one week ago, and now uses his crib, the couch, rocking chair, even the wall to pull himself up and skims along the side. Nothing is your fault! Besides, I think some people exaggerate what their babies can do ; )

  2. My baby is on the slow end for everything it seems too. Sometimes it's hard not to worry and feel like you're doing something wrong when you see other babies doing things. I do the same thing. Don't worry though! Seriously. Every baby is different and does things on their own time. Ellie is on ELLIE'S SCHEDULE :)

  3. Ahhhh! Don't listen to the experts on exact times. She did them once- that is the answer.
    My Mr J did not walk until after a year- but was a state finalist for the 440 his senior year.
    He was also 30 lbs at a year (not unusual for breastfed babies) and went to college at 130 lbs.
    Laughing is not on the Brigance - and we know she can smile (look at the pic with JP)!
    Does she try to communicate with you- her eyes, her coos? I have seen her rock out in that chair. Amazing!
    The number one indicator for school ability is the amount of vocabulary (not reading- but understanding) that a child has entering school.
    My bet is, she will be fantastic! Don't declare failure until ...well, never!

  4. They do all do different things at different times ... my daughter was really "late" sitting up, crawling and walking but had been none stop ever since, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
