Thursday, June 13, 2013

Making the BIG move!

....the Ellie move that is.
From the Rock n' Play in our room to the crib in HER nursery.

Before we made the nighttime move, we started having Ellie nap in her crib each day. We did this for a few weeks before attempting the nighttime crib sleeping. The first night was a disaster, but by night 2 things were good. She continued to wake up twice a night like usual - once after a 6ish hour stretch and again after another 2/3 hours. This continued for a couple of weeks.

Then, we hit a wall. 

The four month sleep regression hell wall. For the past 2-3 weeks or so Ellie has woken up at 1am, regardless of when we put her to bed. She nurses and falls right back to sleep. Then I try to put her back in her crib. Homegirl is too smart for that apparently. She wakes up immediately. Rinse and repeat for 20 minutes. I finally give up and bring her into bed with us. Every. Single. Night.

I swore to myself that I'd never co-sleep with my baby. Not that I worry about harming her because I'm the world's lightest sleeper, but more so because I didn't want her to become dependent on it. Well, it was the only way anyone was getting sleep. So, I succumbed to the habit. I'm not proud of it, but I'll be honest. I just don't know what else to do. She won't sleep in her crib after her first mini stretch. She gets too hot in the RnP next to our bed. So, right now she's sleeping in her crib from about 8pm-1am and then she spends the rest of the night in bed with us. We have a huge bed, she has plenty of space, and sleeps like a little angel the rest of the night. I, on the other hand, not so much. 

I'm hoping, PRAYING that this is just a 4 month sleep regression phase and I'll soon be able to put her back into her own bed. Please, please, PRETTY please pray with me.

Sleep, baby, sleep!

Vote, friends, vote!

Linking up with the Friday Baby Shower

1 comment:

  1. I so wish everyone warned us better about the 4 month sleep regression - I so thought we had it sorted until like you we hit the wall.

    In the retrospect do think maybe was because was starting to get hungry for more than milk.

    I ended up doing lots of half and half like you with her starting off in the cot and we were fine in the end, Alice x
