Monday, October 8, 2012

25 weeks down

25 weeks down - 15 weeks to go

It's hard to believe that I'm already 25 weeks. Just about three months to go. Two more weeks until I enter the 3rd trimester. 104 days left. Time is seriously flying by folks. Our sweet girl will be here before you know it!

Eliana's proportions are pretty spot on by this point. The majority of the next 15 weeks will be spent gaining weight and lots of nervous system development. Her hair now has a distinct texture and color, which is of course probably blonde. I did this little test online that takes our genes, in addition to our siblings and parents' genes, to predict the color of your baby's eyes. It predicted green eyes. A blonde baby with green eyes - LOVE!

It's around this time that she will begin to move from the breech position into the head down position. There isn't a specific time this will happen, so she could have already made the move or it may happen within the next few weeks. However, we definitely want her making that move at some point. If she's breech, I'll likely need a c-section, which I definitely want to avoid at all costs if possible.
How far along? 25 weeks
Baby's size? an eggplant - oh, and how about the size of my uterus? Wait for it...

It's the size of a soccer ball. A freaking soccer ball!!! No wonder nothing fits and I 
look insanely pregnant! I'm constantly getting comments from strangers now, which 
I 100% love. I think pregnant bellies are the cutest thing. Although I'm sure it won't 
be long before I want to hide myself away from the world because it will no longer 
be "cute" and I'll be .025 pounds away from toppling over.

Total weight gain: I am boycotting the scale this week. We fully indulged ourselves during our staycation this weekend. Much to my dismay, the scale doesn't seem to understand how to cut us (me) some slack.
Maternity clothes? The number of non maternity outfits are narrowing rather quickly. This is obviously not exciting news. I still have three months to go. NO ONE is allowed to judge me when you start seeing the same five outfits over and over and over again.
Sleep: I seriously got the BEST sleep this weekend. I don't know if it was because I was staying up later than normal and therefore super exhausted or the uh-mazing bed. The bed at our resort was so unbelievably comfortable. I may or may not have tried to accidentally slip the blanket into my suitcase. Unfortunately, it wouldn't fit.
Best moment this past week: JP and I had the best babymoon staycation weekend we could have asked for. While we decided to stay in town rather than going out of town, it turned out to be totally worth it. We had a wonderful time! I'm one lucky girl. :)
Miss Anything? I miss being able to sleep on my stomach. While the bobby pillow helps, I would seriously give anything to simply lay on my stomach for 5 minutes without being in pain or causing harm to my little girl.
Movement: Baby Girl is still cray cray, y'all. She's started to push up into my rib cage a lot more often, which to be honest, really hurts and I'm not a fan.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still can't handle the sight (or smell) of a chicken breast. However, it's becoming easier to eat in things. I had an amazing salad by the pool this weekend and it came with chicken. I think I ate maybe a 1/4 of it, but hey, I need to start somewhere! :)
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: I feel like a few new symptoms have decided to grace me with their presence over the past week. My belly is constantly itching and it's really annoying. I've been getting lower backaches. I can't wait to see the chiropractor on Wednesday! *TMI warning: I think the bathroom trips double daily. I feel like I'm about to BURST at least once an hour. When I actually go, maaaybe a tablespoon or two comes out. Really? It's obnoxious.
Belly Button in or out? Appearance wise, it's still really freaking weird. However, it's starting to become suuuuper sensitive.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm very happy! :)

Looking forward to: This week! I was in desperate need for a vacation and I'm stoked  to have the whole week off. I have a few lunch dates planned and I'll spend a lot of time simply relaxing! I also have a dinner date with two of my oldest friends, neither of which I've seen in forever. One just found out she's pregnant and I'm beyond excited for her! :) She's due just 4 months after Ellie. So, Ellie will have a little best friend or boyfriend.


25 weeks: Mama

25 weeks: Ellie
I know it's a little early, but if she's already made the move from breech to head down, this could very well explain the pain I've been feeling at the bottom of my ribs. I can just imagine those little (long) legs jabbing me!

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