Sunday, October 14, 2012

26 weeks

Today marks the start of my 26th week - only one more week until the 3rd trimester.
Can you believe it?!
Eliana is close to the 2 pound mark, if she isn't already, and she's at least 14 inches from head to toe. Don't you worry, she puts her ever growing size to good use. In case you were wondering, she uses all 14 inches to practice her karate moves - into the walls of my uterus and all those other vital organs, no big. Her ears are even more developed and sensitive, which was very evident Saturday night. The music was a little too loud for her taste at Oktoberfest. She made sure to let me know she wasn't a fan. She continues to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid, which prepares her for breathing outside the womb. Her brain is still rapidly developing, her hair continues to grow, and she even has little baby toenails. :)
There is a very exciting and NEW development that will happen this week if it hasn't already.
This week will mark the first time she learns to bat those pretty lashes. :)
She can officially open and close her eyes. Baby Girl can see, my friends! Caaarazy!
How far along? 26 weeks
Baby's size? a head of lettuce
Total weight gain: 17 pounds - although at times I feel like it's more like 27 pounds!
Maternity clothes? I've finally reached that point. The point of no return. The point where I wear more maternity clothes than my regular clothes. I still try to fit into a lot of my normal wardrobe. Some things work. Others, not so much. I look ridiculous even trying.
Sleep: Eh, still so-so. I wake up too frequently. The boppy really helps, but sleep still isn't wonderful. I think I just need to accept the fact that nights of quality sleeping are long gone. Even post baby belly, I'll have an out-of-the-womb-baby keeping me up at all hours of the night. Yet, another point of no return that I've reached much too quickly.
Best moment this past week: The entire week was absolutely amazing. I can't even pinpoint a best moment. The one thing that was not so amazing - registering for my baby shower. Seriously, it was 10 times more stressful than I could have ever imagined. I did hours upon hours of research beforehand and I still didn't feel prepared. It was really overwhelming. I really hope people refer to my registry because I might have a mental breakdown if those four (yes, FOUR!) hours ended up being a waste of my time.
Miss Anything? Deli meat. I went to a birthday party today and my mouth was literally watering at the sight of the subs. I have had deli meat 3 times since being pregnant, but I've always steamed it in the microwave. Even then, I felt guilty. I want a freaking turkey sandwich, y'all!
Movement: Baby Girl is definitely getting stronger. Some of these kicks literally take my breath away. Not because she's kicking an organ necessarily, just because they are SO powerful. I'm amazed at how quickly this little HUMAN is growing inside of my belly. However, I suppose by the size of my belly I shouldn't be all that surprised.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new. Although since this question is so boring, I'm adding a craving question. :)
Cravings: I've found myself wanting the same items over and over -  lemonade (obvi), black olives, zesty dill pickles, cereal, and the most interesting - Chef Boyardee Mini Raviolis. Random? I think so. I use to eat these as a kid. I've now had them more times than I can count on one hand.
Labor Signs: nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: The back aches seem to overpower any other symptom that I may be having. I still pee like it's my job as well.
Belly Button in or out? Appearance wise, it's still really, really weird. It remains really sensitive.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm very happy! :)

Looking forward to: All of the upcoming events this month. I think I'm booked solid for the next 4 or 5 weekends and I'm excited for every minute of it.

26 weeks: Mama

26 weeks: Ellie

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