Sunday, October 21, 2012

27 weeks: 3rd Trimester

Hello Third Trimester!!
I can't believe we've already reached the 3rd trimester. Some women say they feel like the time goes by slowly. I 100% disagree. I feel like it's flown by much, much too quickly. I know I've talked about this before, but it still saddens me and I think about it more and more often. I can't wait to hold our sweet girl, but at the same time, I don't want this time to be over. I definitely think I'm going to miss being pregnant. I'm going to miss feeling all of her jabs and high kicks - even the bad ones. I'm going to miss having her all to myself. Selfish, yes. But true. :(
The books say Eliana is at least 2 pounds and 14.5 inches. Although I'd still be willing to bet she's ahead of this curve. We have another detailed anatomy scan in a couple of weeks and I can't wait to hear all of her new measurements. I'm pretty sure she's made the move down south, which we'll hopefully confirm at tomorrow's regular appointment. While her lungs will continue to develop (even after birth), they are technically capable of breathing outside air now. They say she should be sleeping and awake at regular times as well, but I can't seem to pinpoint them. She seems to be awake all. of. the. time. I'm assuming she sleeps as I move around throughout the day, but I wouldn't say it's on a particular schedule. When I move, she sleeps. When I stay still, she decides to dance (and tumble, kick, jab, roll, and all of the above). Her brain is still very active and developing rapidly, into our little baby genius of course.
How far along? 27 weeks
Baby's size? a rutabaga (google is your friend)
Total weight gain: 17 pounds - no gain this week
Maternity clothes? Yes, more so than regular. Boo!
Sleep: It's actually been better this past week. Per my chiropractor, he recommended taking our 6 inch body forming pad off the mattress. Genius! I slept for 6 hours straight - it was amazing. Not every night has been as great, but I definitely wake up less often and sleep for much longer stretches. Ironically, now JP can't sleep. Poor guy needs more padding. He's been a really good sport about it, although we are trying to come up with a solution.
Best moment(s) this past week: We finally ordered all of our nursery furniture from Buy Buy Baby. We were lucky to have every piece in stock, other than the glider. We ordered one to be custom made, so it should be here in 8-12 weeks. I'm obsessed with our furniture, but I didn't love the pricetag. It will be worth it I suppose. :) We had our fall carnival at school on Friday and I loved it. It's probably my favorite event all year long. I love seeing all my kiddos dressed up in costume and teachers getting soaked in the dunk tank. :) We also went to a beautiful wedding last night. I absolutely love weddings (especially when I don't have to plan them!). I would seriously consider being a wedding crasher. Any takers? Disclaimer: Our wedding was hands down A-mazing and a complete dream come true! I was just happy to see the planning stage over.
Miss Anything? Champagne. There have been very few times I've missed alcohol since being pregnant. Ironically, I've loved not drinking. However, there have a been a few occasions in which I would have loved to participate - champagne toasts at weddings, beer at Oktoberfest, and tailgating. Above all else, I think I'm going to miss wine over the holidays.
Movement: Baby Girl is still her ADD self and constantly on the go. I absolutely love it, but I also worry that she doesn't get enough rest! I'm pretty sure she tried to back her butt up and on out of my belly a few nights ago. Half of my stomach became almost completely flat and this huge round shape took over and stuck out an extra 4-5 inches. It was SO bizarre. I can also feel movements across my belly. It's so weird, friends.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new - still trying to sneak more and more protein into my diet.
Cravings: I've been eating a lot of hummus this week, in addition to my pickels and lemonade. :)
Labor Signs: nope
Gender: GIRL!
Symptoms: I'm still peeing like it's my job and the back aches are improving thanks to my chiropractor and husband for giving up the mattress pad! My legs and calves cramp up once in a while, it's annoying, but it usually only lasts a few minutes. I guess that's what happens when you add 17 pounds of belly to your upper half!
Belly Button in or out? It's still technically in, but the inside part seems to be popping a little more and more each week. My guess is that it pops within the next few weeks.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm very happy! :)

Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment tomorrow. Sort of. I'm doing the glucose test (yuck!), but I'm hoping he'll want to do a little ultrasound. While I can feel the area she is in (it does change), I can't tell which direction she's facing and it really bothers me. I'm also SUPER excited for a Halloween party on Friday and mine and JP's 5 year dating anniversary on Saturday.

27 weeks: Mama

27 weeks: Ellie


  1. Love this weeks chalkboard! Very pretty! And your top!

  2. I love this :) you are beautiful

  3. Found your blog from January 13 Moms on theBump! Love your blog/chalkboard! So cute!
