Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Congratulations! ME!
I passed my glucose test.
I honestly did not think I was going to pass. Those that know me know that I have a serious, serious sweet tooth problem. I always have, it's not new. I've tried to control it's since becoming pregnant (keyword: tried).
If having dessert (or candy) 3-4 times a week is "controlling" it, then I'm a rockstar. Really, I'd eat dessert every single day if I was okay with gaining 70 pounds during pregnancy.
Anyhow, I tried to lay off the sweets the weeks leading up to the test. It didn't work.
Two days before the test I went to a wedding. When they placed cake on the table. I found myself scanning the table of 50+ slices. Why, you may ask? I was looking for the BIGGEST one I can find.
I succeeded.
I don't even like cake.
Less than 24 hours before the test I had a HUGE snow cone (yeah, you're thinking ice? no big deal. wrong.). This particular snow cone booth let you put your OWN flavored juice on top. Big mistake. I'm pretty sure I put at least a cup of the fruit punch juice on top of my so called ice.
Oh...and this was the day before the test. Smart.
The day of the test, I was (finally!) able to lay off the sweets. For breakfast...and lunch.
Well, folks, it worked.
I now intend on rewarding myself with each of the following over the next week.

I specifically avoid the candy aisle at the grocery store because I know that I'd pick up a bag of these. An entire bag of these will not make it a week in our home. Oh, and JP doesn't eat eat candy corn.

The one on the left. Melt in my mouth.
Only, it's obviously missing the cone bowl.
A pumpkin spiced latte.
It's been almost two weeks and I'm straight up going through withdrawals.
Last, but not least, my all time favorite treat.

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