Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 weeks | Baby 3.0

Third time's a charm... right??
Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Surprised, much?
Not as much as we weeeeerree.
I'm not quite ready to venture down the story of how we landed here, but here we are.
Again. Baby Mullan 3.0 is on his or her way.
And, I'm T E N weeks. So, here goes!
Exactly how far I am is slightly up in the air at this point. However, according to what I think happened, I'm going with 10 weeks. My doctor seems to think I'm 4-5 days behind that. We'll see if he still feels the same way at my appointment on Thursday. So, until then I'm sticking to 10 weeks and due September 18th.
The Latest and Greatest
Baby's vital organs are in place and are beginning to function. Nails are forming on fingers and toes, baby's limbs can bend, and its head is about half the size of its body. Baby can swallow food and even kick, though it will obviously be some time before I feel it.
How far along? 10 weeks.. I think.
Baby's size: over an inch long and a quarter ounce--the size of a kumquat
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Maternity clothes: I've busted out a few tops, but I only wear them around people that know I'm pregnant. It's been SO hard to hide this time given that baby #3 practically shows up over night! (And by overnight, I mean like the night the baby is conceived!).
Sleep: It was rough to start, but has been a lot better the past couple weeks.
Best moments this past week: JP and I had a date night planned for Saturday that ended up not happening since we didn't have anyone to watch the girls. BUT we did make the most of it and went out for a family date night. It ended up being perfect!
Missing: ALLTHEWINE. There's just something about this baby not having been planned and therefore me missing alcohol way more than I ever did with the girls. We had sushi over the weekend and I was so bummed to have to stick to cooked rolls only.
Movement: Not yet!
Labor signs: Nope!
Baby's sex: We'll know in about two weeks.
Symptoms: Waves of the stomach flu happen less and less, fortunately. I still struggle first thing in the morning and usually right before bed. I get dizzy quite a bit too.
Aversions/Craving: There isn't anything I have to have all the time or things that consistently gross me out, but I'll make an entire meal and decide I can't eat it. I'll end up eating cereal or crackers at like 9pm. I also crave random things I never eat (top ramen, spaghetti-oh's, tea, cheeseburgers).
Belly button: In
Wedding rings: On
Mood: This honestly varies by the day. I think it's safe to say I've been pretty bipolar this go around. My poor husband!
Looking forward to: My appointment on Thursday. We're doing the Harmony test, so we'll know baby's sex by the end of the next week!
And, here you have it, folks.
22 weeks.
Just kidding. TEN WEEKS!
But it looks like 22, right?


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