Monday, July 2, 2012

11 Weeks

Almost there! Only two more weeks of the 1st trimester. I never thought I'd say this, but I feel like it's flying by!

Despite what this week's ultrasound may have depicted, Baby M is looking less and less like a little alien. While her head it still half of her body, her hands and feet are no longer webbed. Baby M is moving and kicking up a storm, which we were so fortunate to see last week. Although I'm sure she wasn't thrilled to be woken up from her precious little nap by being jabbed with the ultrasound stick (what are those things called, anyway?!). Baby M is also hiccuping. I really, really wish I could feel all of these little movements!

How far along? 11 weeks
Baby's size? a lime
Total weight gain:  1.5-2.5 - it varies daily
Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Sleep: I've been able to make it through most days without a nap, but the internal alarm clock that wakes me up by 7:30 each morning needs to find a new home stat.
Best moment this past week: Our ultrasound!! We were so happy to see Baby M on that little screen, moving and kicking, and WAVING to us! The 170 bpm heartbeat wasn't bad either. :) JP also turned 30, so it was a fun and eventful weekend.
Miss Anything? my energy!
Food cravings: Fruit! Bananas, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, you name it, I've eaten it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. I've been able to eat it in things like salad, but just plain ol' chicken, not so much. I even thought I'd be able to eat a wing a couple nights ago - nope. The smell of disgusting chicken got to me!
Labor Signs:  nope
Gender: I'm still banking on a baby girl.
Other than things physically changing on my body, I feel like my symptoms have disappeared for the most part. Liquids pretty much go straight through my body so I have to use the restroom what seems like every 5 minutes and I still have zero energy, but that's about it.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm happy most of the time. Although I must admit, my emotions got the best of me on more than one occasion this past week. Hormones, yuck. Looking forward to: Flagstaff next weekend. This heat is killer!

...and The Bump!

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