Friday, July 6, 2012

To Believe or Not to Believe....

That is The Question!

Have you heard any of the old, crazy wives tales that predict the gender of your baby? You know, the ones that surely tell you exactly what the little one is going to be depending on the direction in which your wedding ring moves when hung over your pregnant belly? Yeah, those ones.

While I tend to be the typical gullible blonde at times, I hardly doubt these ol' tales are true. However, I obviously had to try them out for myself. Here are my results:

Tale 1: The worse your morning sickness, the more likely you're having a girl. When morning sickness barely or doesn't exist, expect a boy.

Verdict: boy

Tale 2: Place your wedding ring on a piece of string (or one of your precious locks of hair). Hang the wedding ring over the mommy-to-be's belly. If the ring moves back and forth, expect a girl. If it moves in a circular rotation, you can expect a boy.

Verdict: girl

Tale 3: According to the Chinese Gender Chart, you can use your age at the time of conception and the day you conceived to determine the gender of your baby.

Verdict: girl

Tale 4: If a pregnant woman craves sweet things, she's having a girl. If she craves salty or sour foods, she's having a boy.

Verdict: girl

Tale 5: According to some legends, if the heartbeat is 140+ bpm, then you're having a girl. If it's lower, you're having a boy. Although I do question this theory, since the heartbeat isn't necessarily consistent from appointment to appointment.

Verdict: girl (according our our most recent ultrasound)

Tale 6: If going by this joke of an idea, pour a tabelspoon of Drano into a cup of a pregnant woman's pee. If it turns green, she'll have a girl and if it turns blue, she'll have a boy.

Verdict: Did you really think I'd do this one? (I may or may not have added Drano to my shopping list.)

Tale 7: Refer to even and odd numbers. If the woman's age at the time of conception and the year she conceived are both even or odd, then she's having a girl. If one is odd and one is even, she's having a boy.

Verdict: girl

Tale 8: Take a look in the mirror at your complexion. If you're breaking out like a 14 year old going through puberty, legend has it that you're having a girl. She is supposedly stealing her mother's beauty.

Verdict: girl

I personally believe in my own intuition over any of these hocus pocus old wives tales. Although with these statistics (girl-7, boy-1), maybe I'll believe in them just a teeny tiny bit. :)  Not to mention, my intuition also tells me this sweet little baby bear will be a GIRL. We have about 6 more weeks until we'll find out. The end of August couldn't come soon enough.


  1. Love this post!! So glad you did this! When I'm a prego I'm totally doing this. And yes I think you should do the Draino test! :)

  2. Ahhh, can't wait to find out!! I'm thinking girl, too :)
