Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello, Twenty-Seven!

Saturday was my birthday, so I am officially 27 years old. 

The reason I say "officially" is because I've thought (and maybe
even told a few people) I was 27 for quite some time now. Well, now I am in real life.  
(Remember when we were kids and we said "in real life?" Yeah, my students still say it. I may or may not have a 
friend that still says this same phrase and her name rhymes with Sack. :)

I had a fabulous weekend celebrating. I spent Friday with my in-laws and they definitely spoiled me! I of course failed to take pictures (JP calls it my Baby Brain). However, it was wonderful nonetheless. They decorated and ordered Chinese takeout. We opened presents, ate ice cream cake, and played Apples to Apples. I feel so lucky to have married into such a wonderful family!

Saturday was equally as special. We went out to breakfast and I had a hair appointment. My hair now looks 50 shades of fabulous. :) JP made a yummy pizza for lunch and we spent the rest of the afternoon watching a movie - American Reunion. It was highly inappropriate but definitely funny. He took me out to Teppanyaki for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Sapporo. We finished off my PG birthday celebration by playing miniature golf. While JP beat me by two strokes on the first round, I dominated the second round and took the overall win. That's right, friends, I beat JP at golf!! He also got me the best birthday presents! See below.

I spent Sunday night celebrating with my girlfriends. We went out to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and then to see Magic Mike. While I wanted to see it, I wasn't a crazed baboon and needing to see it opening weekend. There was more of a story line than I expected - I'm not sure if this was a good or bad thing. ;)  We had a great night, but it put me far past my bed time. I had to be back to work by 7:30am this morning and it was HARD. Goodbye summer, hello teacher schedule!

 I took a couple fabulous pictures of my dinner with the girls. The genius in me
forgot to take my memory card out of the computer and put it back into my camera. So, I have the pictures. 
Really, I do. They're on my camera and I can't find the cord to add them here. Baby Brain!

Three birthday celebrations and they're not even over! I will be celebrating with my family on Wednesday. I've had the best birthday and I feel so fortunate and blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. You all mean the world to me!

Finally, I must admit that when envisioning 27, I didn't think I'd be declining the cocktails during my birthday celebration. While most of you know that I definitely enjoy the occasional cocktail or glass of wine, I haven't had a sip since before finding out I was even pregnant. The whole non-drinking thing honestly hasn't even phased me. I'm ready. So, SO ready for this aspect of my life and our sweet little bean is more than worth it. We're starting our little family. I get to be a mother and I couldn't be happier - that itself is the best birthday present I can ask for.

Happy (belated) Birthday to Me!

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